The Ten Commandments Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids

Teaching the Ten Commandments to kids can be fun and meaningful with the right resources. By incorporating kid-friendly videos, crafts, activities, and printable lesson plans, you can make these timeless lessons come alive for young learners. These creative approaches will help children understand the importance of each commandment while having fun and staying engaged. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or children's ministry leader, this blog offers practical ideas for bringing the Ten Commandments to life in a memorable and impactful way.

What are the ten commandments in kid-friendly terms?

The Ten Commandments poster is available in the Bible for Bigger Kids lesson.

When I teach the Ten Commandments to kids, especially the littlest ones in preschool and kindergarten, I share God’s commandments in kid-friendly terms. This helps the kids understand the commandments and keeps our conversation at an age-appropriate level.

Some of the commandments are for adults and don’t need to be explained in nitty-gritty detail to three- and four-year-olds.

Here’s each of the commandments (taken from the NIV Bible) broken down into kid-friendly terms.

  1. You shall have no other gods before me - Love God and put Him first.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything - You should only worship God.

  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God - Say God’s name with love and respect.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy - Rest one day a week and keep it holy.

  5. Honor your father and your mother - Obey your parents.

  6. You shall not murder - Do not hurt anyone.

  7. You shall not commit adultery - Keep your wedding promises.

  8. You shall not steal - Do not steal anything.

  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor - Tell the truth.

  10. You shall not covet - Don’t wish for what others have.

The Ten Commandments Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach the Ten Commandments to kids? Check out our scripted lessons, discussion questions, and printable crafts. Perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Click HERE for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version!)

where are the ten commandments found in the bible?

The story of the Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus 19 and 20. About three months after leaving Egypt, the people camped near Mount Sinai. God descended onto the mountain in a cloud. Moses then went up and down Mount Sinai, hearing what God had to say and telling the people about it. Along with other instructions outlined in Exodus 20-31, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which he wrote on two stone tablets. God’s people were to follow these foundational laws, which we still follow today!


Did you know God had to write the commandments on the stone tablets twice? While Moses was on top of the mountain, the people became impatient. They had Aaron (Moses’ brother) form a golden calf to worship. After God had finished writing the commandments on the tablets for the first time, Moses walked down the mountain, saw the golden calf, and was enraged. He threw the tablets onto the ground, and they broke. Exodus 32 tells the whole story of the golden calf.

Later, in Exodus 34, God wrote the commandments again on two new tablets. 


The printable Ten Commandments craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Sometimes, the language used around the Ten Commandments can be confusing. Coveting? What exactly does that mean? Adultery? How do you explain that in kid-friendly terms?

Younger kids will love this simple cut-and-glue Ten Commandments craft that uses kid-friendly language. Kids will cut out each of the ten commandments. Then, they’ll glue them onto a printable stone table. Each of the printable pieces is available in color or greyscale in the lesson The Ten Commandments for Preschoolers.


The printable Ten Commandments craft for bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.

We also complete a ten commandments craft in the Bible lesson for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades. At this level, you can use your discretion and teach the commandments in kid-friendly terms or teach them directly from your preferred translation of the Bible.

The printable craft pieces (and posters) in this lesson come in multiple versions, so you can choose the one that works best for your group of students.

The Ten Commandments for Older Kids includes two versions of the craft pictured here. Version one (pictured) includes words and pictures, and version two leaves space for kids to draw their own illustrations of each commandment.


  • Brown Paper Bag Tablets: Cut a brown paper bag (or brown construction paper) into two stone tablet shapes. Then, use markers to write the Ten Commandments on the tablets. Crumple the brown paper to give it an “old-stone” effect. For more detailed instructions, check out Crayola’s Ten Commandments Craft

  • Ten Commandment Memory: Create a simple memory game where kids must match the command with its meaning. For example, “Do not covet” means “Don’t envy what someone else has,” and “Do not steal” means “Don’t take what isn’t yours.” You’ll have to be careful with the definitions you choose for adultery, depending on the age level of your kids. You might want to try “Staying faithful to your marriage vows” or “keeping your marriage promises.”

  • Ten Commandment Songs: There are several catchy songs that you could sing with your kids to teach them the Ten Commandments. Here are some fun ones


As always, make sure to preview any videos your show your kids, but here are some ideas:


Continue the learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses. These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Whether you’re a parent, Sunday School teacher, or teacher at a faith-based school, there are plenty of great ways to teach kids that the Ten Commandments are more than just rules. They are guidelines for showing love to God and to others.

Moses and the Red Sea - Bible Craft and Lesson for Kids

Teaching the Bible story of Moses and the Red Sea is a powerful way to help kids understand God’s protection, faithfulness, and miracles. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work at a faith-based school, engaging kids with creative videos, hands-on activities, fun crafts, and printable lesson plans can bring this incredible story to life. In this blog, you'll find exciting ideas to make learning about Moses, the Israelites, and the Red Sea crossing memorable and meaningful for children of all ages.

What’s the story of Moses at the red sea?

Exodus 14:1-31 tells the story of the Parting of the Red Sea. Pharaoh finally allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt, and Moses led them away. However, it didn’t take long for Pharaoh to change his mind and send his army after them. The Israelites were trapped, with the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them.

God told Moses to raise his staff. The Red Sea parted, creating a dry path for the Israelites to cross. Once the Israelites were all safe on the other side, God caused the sea to rush back and drown the army pursuing them.

Parting of the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach the story of the miracle at the Red Sea? Check out our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable craft. Perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version!)


There were about 2 million Israelite people who needed to cross the Red Sea, along with all their animals. This would have taken many hours! God protected His people while they were crossing by using a pillar of cloud to block the Egyptians’ view. 

The Israelites were in awe of what God had done, and they stopped to sing a song to the Lord after safely crossing the sea. God is worthy of our praise!


Kids in preschool and kindergarten will love this simple craft that shows Moses and the Israelites crossing on dry land at the Red Sea.

Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

This printable craft can be completed using only the pieces provided in the Moses and the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Preschoolers, plus a pair of scissors and a glue stick! It’s a great option for those times you can’t gather any extra craft pieces.

Once you’ve printed out a set of pieces (dry land, water, Moses, and God’s people), have kids color each one and cut them out. Then, glue down the pieces to create a scene of the Red Sea crossing!

This craft comes in two versions, black and white and full-color.


Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.

Kids in first, second, and third grades can make a slightly more challenging craft found using the printable pieces found in the Bible lesson Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids. This craft uses a few additional craft supplies.

First, roll two pieces of blue construction paper into a tube shape to curl the paper. Then cut small slits into half of the paper. Glue these down to be the walls of water on either side of the dry path. Then, use the printable pieces provided to add the people crossing the Red Sea. 


  • Gratitude Journal: The Israelites were rescued from an impossible situation. While we might not face the Red Sea, we sometimes have hard times before us. Have kids write about how they need God’s help and pray for His help. You’ll find a writing prompt template in Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids.

  • Parting the Sea Game: Teach kids a simple game in which they line up in the center of the learning space. Call out “Part the Sea” and have them act like the waves, parting to either side of the room. 

  • Pillar of Clouds Game: This game works best if kids have a large area to run around and the space is clear of obstacles. Have one kid be the leader. They will move around the classroom like the Pillar of Cloud, and the other kids will follow the leader.

  • Oil and Water Experiment: Add water to a clear bowl. Then, add oil to the bowl so kids can see how the oil and water separate. 

  • Pepper and Soap Experiment: Sprinkle pepper across the top of the water. Then, add a few drops of soap to the water. The pepper will repel away from the soap, causing a “splitting” effect. Follow the instructions from Fun Learning for Kids. This fun experiment will lend to a discussion about God parting the Red Sea. 

  • Red Sea Obstacle Course: Create a simple obstacle course in which kids get from one side of the room to the other by going through cones or chairs representing the parted sea. To add a challenge, have kids carry things like piles of clothing, stuffed animals, or other small objects, representing how the Israelites would have had their animals and belongings with them while crossing the Red Sea.

YOUTUBE VIDEOS ABOUT Moses and the red sea

There are many videos on YouTube for the Parting of the Red Sea story. Some go into more detail than others and show images of the water rushing over the Egyptians. Be sure to preview all movies to make sure they are appropriate for your age groups.


Continue your learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses that also includes The Birth of Moses, The Ten Plagues of Egypt, and the Ten Commandments.

These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Teaching kids about the Parting of the Red Sea can be fun and meaningful with hands-on activities, crafts, and storytelling. These creative ideas help kids remember that God makes a way, even in impossible situations.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt Bible Lesson for Kids

If you’re looking for creative ways to teach the Bible story of the Ten Plagues, this blog has engaging ideas to bring this powerful story to life! From kid-friendly YouTube videos to hands-on crafts and activities and printable lesson plans, you'll find everything you need to make learning fun and memorable. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschooler, or work in a faith-based school, these ideas are designed to captivate young learners while helping them understand the lessons behind this epic story. Keep reading for inspiration and resources to make teaching the Ten Plagues meaningful and enjoyable!

what’s the story of the ten plagues of egypt?

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. God heard their cries and sent Moses to free the people. Pharoah’s heart was hard, and he refused to let the people go, so God sent ten plagues to afflict the Egyptian people. The ten plagues are described in Exodus 7:14 – 12:30. First, the water turned to blood. Then there were frogs, gnats, flies, the death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness. The final plague was the death of the firstborn son of every Egyptian family unless the household followed God’s command to mark the doorpost with the blood of a lamb.

The Ten Plagues Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Bible story ‘The Ten Plagues’? Our scripted lesson, discussion questions, and printable craft are perfect for 3—to 8-year-olds.

(Get the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade version HERE!)


The Egyptians worshiped false gods, and each plague was specifically against these gods. For example, turning the Nile into blood proved that the god of the Nile and the guardian of the Nile were useless. 

Before the final plague (the death of the firstborn son), God gave the Israelites instructions to take refuge in a house marked with the blood of a lamb. The angel of death would pass over the house, and those inside would be safe. This was the first Passover. 

This event points to Jesus. Jesus is often called the Lamb of God. Jesus came to earth to live a perfect life, to become the sacrificial lamb, and to die on the cross for our sins. 


Create a story spinner so kids can easily retell the story of the ten plagues. This simple printable craft spins in a circle to reveal the ten plagues of Egypt.

Little kids in preschool and kindergarten can complete a version where the pictures are already included.

For bigger kids, try selecting the blank spinner craft and asking kids to draw their own pictures.

The template pieces can be found in The Ten Plagues for Preschool or The Ten Plagues for Older Kids


Who doesn’t enjoy a good puppet craft? Kids will enjoy this simple yet fun craft, creating Moses and Pharaoh puppets. One side of the puppet shows Moses saying, “Let my people go,” and the other shows Pharaoh replying, “No!”

Once you’ve made your puppets, try re-reading the story, giving the kids a chance to use their puppets each time Moses talks to Pharaoh. This craft will give kids a fun way to retell the story.

The template pieces are in The Ten Plagues for Older Kids



As always, be sure to preview videos before showing them to your students, but here are some suggestions:


Continue the learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses that also includes The Birth of Moses, The Ten Commandments, and a Miracle at the Red Sea.

These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Teaching kids the Ten Plagues Bible story can be fun and meaningful. These craft and activity ideas make the story engaging and memorable, helping children connect with its powerful lessons of God’s justice and deliverance.

The Birth of Moses - Bible Story and Lessons for Kids

Teaching the story of the birth of Moses to kids is an excellent way to introduce them to themes of faith, courage, and love. This beloved Bible story about Moses’ journey in a basket comes to life with engaging activities like kid-friendly videos, crafts, and easy-to-use printable lesson plans. Whether you're a Sunday School teacher, work in a faith-based school, a homeschool parent, or simply looking to share this story at home, these creative ideas will help you captivate young learners and make the story of the birth of Moses memorable and meaningful.

THE STORY of Moses’ birth - a baby in a basket

Exodus 1 outlines the oppression of the Israelites in Egypt. Pharaoh feared the Israelite people, so he made them slaves and ordered all baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River.

Exodus 2:1-10 continues the story with the birth of Moses. When Moses was born, his mother hid him for three months. Then, it became too difficult to hide him, so she made a basket and put Moses in it. She then hid the basket among the reeds of the Nile River.

Moses’ sister, Miriam, watched over the basket until Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river to bathe. The princess found the basket and took pity on the baby inside. The princess adopted Moses as her son.

The Birth of Moses Bible Lesson for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about Moses’ early days? Our scripted lessons, which include printable crafts and discussion questions, are perfect for children aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the Preschool/Kindergarten version)

Background information - Why was Moses placed in a basket?

The Israelites were God’s chosen people. For years and years, the Israelites lived peacefully in Egypt, but then a new Pharaoh came into power, and he worried that there were too many Israelites, so he made them all slaves.

They kept growing in number, and this made Pharoah even more nervous. He believed that soon, there would be enough Israelites that they would overthrow the Egyptians. To solve this, Pharoah decided to make a horrific law to kill all the baby boys. He ordered all the baby boys to be thrown into the Nile River. 


Kids in preschool and kindergarten will love this simple craft where they can move Moses through the reeds.

Using the template pieces provided in Baby Moses for Preschool, kids will use common craft materials to make a craft that shows Moses in a basket sliding through the reeds.

First, glue Baby Moses to a popsicle stick. Then cut a slit in the reeds template and insert the popsicle stick into the reeds. Now, kids can slide their Baby Moses back and forth among the reeds.


Crafts aren’t just for little kids. Bigger kids in first, second, and third grades can also benefit from creating a simple craft that will help them to internalize the main point of the Bible story. For The Birth of Moses, big kids will create a simple scene of Moses in his basket in the reeds. They’ll start by cutting out the printable pictures of Moses, the basket, and the reeds. Exodus 2:3 is then added in a simple printable card.

And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. Exodus 2:3 KJV

The template pieces for this printable craft can be found in the lesson, Baby Moses for Older Kids.

OTHER ACTIVITIES TO teach about the birth of moses

  • Hop Through the Reeds Obstacle Course: Use green pool noodles to be the reeds and create an obstacle course with them. Position the pool noodles so kids have to hop over them, climb under them, or weave around them. 

  • Sink or Float Experiment: Get a small basket that will float in a tub of water. Place various objects of different weights into it. Have kids guess whether the basket will sink or float with the other objects.

  • Paint a Watercolor River Scene: Give students paper and paints. Ask them to paint a simple river scene. Once the scene is dry, use pencil crayons or pastels to add reeds and Baby Moses’ basket.

  • Basket Weaving: Follow the instructions provided by But First We Craft and teach kids simple basket weaving.

  • Paper Weaving: Or do some paper weaving by following these instructions from First Palette

YOUTUBE VIDEOS ABOUT the birth of moses

You could also show kids some great videos to help them visualize the story better. Be sure to pre-watch the videos to make sure they line up with what you are teaching.


Continue the learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series from the book of Exodus that explores significant moments in Moses’ life including the Ten Plagues of Egypt, A Miracle at the Red Sea, and the Ten Commandments.

These lessons are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

The story of The Birth of Moses and his journey in a basket is an excellent opportunity to teach children about family love, courage, and kindness. Whether you're teaching at home, Sunday school, or a faith-based school, there are many great activities to introduce this story.

Genesis Bible Lessons for Kids

Teaching children the timeless stories in the book of Genesis is an excellent way to introduce them to foundational biblical truths while sparking their imagination. From Creation to Joseph and His Brothers, each story offers meaningful lessons and creative engagement opportunities. Read on for great ideas for crafts, activities, and interactive lessons to help kids connect with these stories in a hands-on, memorable way. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, a teacher at a faith-based school, a homeschooling parent, or simply looking to share these powerful stories at home, these resources will make learning about Genesis fun, enriching, and deeply impactful.

What does genesis mean?

The word ‘Genesis’ means the origin or beginning of something. It’s fitting that the Bible's first book is called Genesis, as it tells the origin stories of the world and God’s people, the Israelites. 

Six print-and-go Bible lessons that make it easy to teach stories of Genesis!

Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach Genesis stories to children in preschool through third grade.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version!)

The Days of Creation 

The Days of Creation mobile craft for kids in grades 1, 2, and 3.

God made everything, and it is good! Learning about the days of creation can spark kids' imaginations as they explore the big world that God created. Hands-on activities and crafts can help foster wonder and creativity as kids in preschool and beyond explore the big idea that God made everything!

Check out The Days of Creation for interactive and fun ways to teach this important Bible story. Kids will love making printable Days of Creation crafts. There’s also a hands-on activity for each day of creation!

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden printable craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden easily lends itself to discussions of sin, God’s perfection, Satan’s craftiness, and our need for a Savior. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s actions in the garden, but we know that God has a beautiful plan for our salvation: Jesus! Sin is a heavy topic; we must never forget to pair it with God's forgiveness through Jesus.

Many activities and crafts can help kids explore these topics further. Check out Adam and Eve in the Garden for ideas, such as making apple prints and pipe cleaner snakes and an object lesson on how sin separates us from God. Kids will also love a printable craft where they add 3D images to a Garden of Eden scene.

Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel sticker craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

The Tower of Babel story centers on pride. People wanted to make a name for themselves by building a tower to heaven. This story is a powerful lesson about how God feels about a proud heart. It also gives kids fun insight into how languages were introduced.

Some fabulous activities can help make this story come alive. For example, you can teach them how to say (or write) hello in different languages so they can appreciate the beauty of language. You can also challenge them to build towers using physical objects or paper. For a printable tower craft and instructions for a building challenge, check out The Tower of Babel Bible Lessons for Kids.

Noah’s Ark

In this Noah’s Ark craft, kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades will make a lift-the-flap ark.

Noah’s Ark is a timeless story about faith, obedience, and God’s promises. Kids love learning about the fantastical story of God flooding the earth and saving Noah, his family, and animals on an ark. Can you imagine caring for hundreds (possibly thousands) of animals aboard the boat?

Kids can make this story come to life in many ways, such as making arks out of shoe boxes or cereal boxes, conducting a sink/float experiment, or watching YouTube videos about the ark. Check out Noah’s Ark Bible Lessons for more ideas, including a printable lift-the-flap craft.

God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah waited decades for God to fulfill His promise of a son, but Isaac eventually came. This story is a beautiful reminder that God keeps His promises.

Help kids explore this story by creating sand jars, challenging them to count the sand (an impossible task!), or making starry sky scenes using stickers and paint. Check out Abraham and Sarah Bible Lessons for more fun ideas, including a printable cut-and-glue craft for younger kids and a printable flip-book craft for older kids!

Joseph and His Brothers

The story of Joseph explores how God can turn an impossible situation into something good. Kids will be astonished to learn that Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because his brothers were jealous of him. But despite being in a challenging situation, God used Joseph to help save the Israelite people from starvation.

Plenty of fun ways to help kids connect with this story include constructing their family trees, doing relay races, or designing their own colorful coal. Be sure to check out Joseph and his Brothers for more ideas.

even more bible for kids…

These lessons about Genesis are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Genesis has many exciting stories that kids love to hear. Take time to explore these stories with kids and enjoy watching these stories come to life.

Joseph and His Brothers - Bible Lessons for Kids

Teaching the Bible story of Joseph and his brothers to children offers a fantastic opportunity to explore themes of forgiveness, faith, and resilience in an engaging and relatable way. This blog has creative ideas to bring this beloved story to life, including YouTube video suggestions, crafts and activities, and printable lesson plans that make preparation easy for parents, teachers, and Sunday school leaders. Whether crafting Joseph's colorful coat, doing relay races, or diving into meaningful discussions, you'll find plenty of inspiration to make this lesson memorable for kids of all ages.

what is the bible story of joseph and his brothers?

The story of Joseph is told from Genesis 37 to 50—that’s a quarter of the book of Genesis! Jacob had twelve sons, and Joseph was his favorite. Jacob gave Joseph a special coat, which made Joseph’s brothers jealous. Joseph could also interpret dreams, and when he dreamed that his brothers would one day bow to him, this enraged his brothers.

They decided to sell him as a slave to Egypt, and he was later imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. While in prison, Joseph interpreted dreams. 

One day, Pharaoh had a dream, which Joseph interpreted. Joseph told Pharod there would be seven years of good harvest followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh then put Joseph in charge of food collection for the famine years.

Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get grain during the famine. They didn’t recognize Joseph, but he recognized them. Eventually, he talked to his brothers and forgave them. Joseph’s whole family then came to Engtpy to live with him. 

Joseph and His Brothers Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the story of Joseph and His Brothers? Grab the scripted lesson, discussion questions, and simple craft.

(Grab the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version HERE!)

Background Information About Joseph and His Brothers

Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him into slavery. He was in Egypt for 13 years before he was set free and put in charge of the grain in Egypt. Joseph didn’t see his brothers again until he was in his late 30s. Despite all the terrible things that happened to Joseph over the years, God made good things come from impossible situations.

Create a Colorful Coat 

We love to make crafts in Sunday School. After exploring the story and talking through discussion questions, we always wrap up our learning with a craft. It’s a great way to get hands-on with the learning and give kids something tangible to take home to their families.

A fun craft and simple craft for this story is decorating Jesus’ colorful coat.

Younger kids in preschool may want to simply color the coat, while older kids can enjoy using craft materials and glue to decorate it more thoroughly.

Then, cut out a Bible verse from the story and add it to the coat. Check out Joseph and His Brother for Preschoolers or Joseph and His Brothers for Older Kids for template pieces.

Other Crafts and Activities to Accompany the Story of Joseph:

  • Colorful Coat Snack: Check out Kerry's cute Joseph snack idea at How to Homeschool My Child.

  • Play Charades: Joseph had a God-given gift of interpreting dreams. He didn’t have to guess what his dreams meant; God helped him. To practice their “interpretation skills,” play a game of charades with the kids.

  • Family Tree Activity: Joseph had a large family! Have kids create a family tree to see what their family looks like. 

  • Relay Races: Joseph gathered supplies for the seven years of famine. Create a relay where students gather “supplies” in a basket. Have them line up and, one at a time, run a ball or a beanbag to a basket a short distance away. The winner is the team that gets all its balls or beanbags into the basket first.

YouTube Videos

Teaching the story of Joseph can also be done with a video! So many great videos of this story exist. Here are my favorite shorter videos:

For longer videos, you might like:

Looking for more Genesis lessons?

Continue the learning with more Old Testament stories from Genesis. This lesson is part of a six-week lesson series called In the Beginning. These lessons about Joseph are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Teaching the story of Joseph and His Brothers offers great opportunities to teach students about resilience, forgiveness, and faith. Whether at home, Sunday School, or in a faith-based school, there are many ways to bring this timeless narrative to life.

Abraham and Sarah Bible Story and Lesson for Kids

Teaching children about the Bible story of Abraham and Sarah is a wonderful opportunity to explore themes of faith, trust, and God's unwavering love. This story in Genesis reminds us that nothing is impossible for God, even when circumstances seem unlikely. In this blog, we’ll share creative and engaging ways to bring this story to life for kids, including kid-friendly videos, crafts, activities, and printable lesson plans. Whether you’re a Sunday school teacher, a parent, or work in a faith-based school, these ideas will help children connect with the story.

The bible Story of Abraham and sarah

The story of Abraham and Sarah is scattered throughout the first half of Genesis. Genesis 15 outlines God’s covenant with Abraham. God promised that Abraham’s descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the shoreline. This promise seemed impossible to Abraham because he had no children and was old.

In Genesis 17:1-22, God promised Abraham and Sarah a son. Later, Genesis 18:1-15 outlines the story of three visitors coming to visit. The visitors told Abraham that Sarah would conceive a son, and she laughed because she thought this was impossible since she was an old woman. 

Genesis 21:1-7 tells of Isaac’s birth. God kept His promise. God can do impossible things!

The Story of Abraham and Sarah - Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about God’s amazing promise to Abraham and Sarah? Grab a scripted lesson and printable craft that is perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Check out the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version HERE!)

Background Information About God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah

Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born, and Sarah was 90. They had waited 25 years for God to keep His promise!

The name Isaac means ‘laughter’. This was an appropriate name for Isaac because Sarah laughed when she learned she would have a baby at such an old age.

Cut and Glue Craft for Preschool

When we study a Bible story in Sunday school, I love to pair it with a simple craft for kids to take home. In preschool, we like to keep these crafts as simple as possible with as little prep as we can. These simple crafts can be great talking points for families when they are sent home. For this story, we hope kids will use their crafts to explain that the miracle shows God can do anything.

In this simple craft, preschoolers will cut and glue baby Isaac into a scene with Abraham and Sarah. The printable pieces for the craft are in the lesson Abraham and Sarah for Preschool.

Flipbook Craft for Older Kids

For older kids, try a flip-craft. Bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grades can color and glue the two scenes together: one showing Abraham and Sarah with empty arms and one showing them holding Baby Isaac. This simple craft will help them retell the story and explain the miracle to their families. For the template pieces, check out Abraham and Sarah for Older Kids.

More Activities to Teach God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah

God promised that Abraham and Sarah’s descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Here are a few sand and star activities:

  • Create a Night Sky Scene using Stickers: Color a night scene and add star stickers.

  • Wax Resist Night Sky: Draw a starry sky scene with oil pastels or crayons. Then, paint over the scene using watercolor paint. Press relatively hard with the pastels or crayons for the best results. Check out these Wool Jr. for more specific instructions

  • Sand Jars: Purchase inexpensive small jars from the dollar store, Then have kids fill their jars with sand as a reminder of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.

  • Sand Sensory Challenge: Fill a bin with sand and sand toys. Then, give the kids an opportunity to play with the sand. While they play, challenge them to count the grains of sand. This will provide them with a real sense of God’s vast promise!

YouTube Videos About God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah

Here are a few shorter videos telling the story of Abraham and Sarah:

For some longer videos, check out:

Looking for more Genesis lessons?

Continue the learning with more Old Testament stories from Genesis. This lesson is part of a six-week lesson series called In the Beginning. These lessons about Abraham and Sarah are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah is a beautiful story about God’s faithfulness. Whether you are teaching at home, Sunday School, or in a faith-based school, there are many activities that you can use to help kids grasp the depth of God’s promises and the importance of trusting His plans.

The Story of Easter in the Bible - Lesson for Kids

Teaching kids about the story of Easter in the Bible is a wonderful way to help them understand the true meaning of the holiday. Whether you're a parent, Sunday school teacher, or teach at a faith-based school, finding creative and engaging ways to share the story of Jesus’ last days, arrest, and resurrection can make a lasting impact. From hands-on crafts and activities to kid-friendly videos, there are many ways to bring the Easter message to life for children.

What is easter about in the bible?

While bunnies, egg hunts, and baby chicks get most of the commercial time around Easter, the real reason for Easter is Jesus. Easter is a time to remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Jesus died but rose again after three days! We remember the day Jesus died on Good Friday and celebrate his resurrection on Easter Monday.

Four print-and-go lessons that make it easy to teach the Easter story

Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach Easter stories to children in preschool through third grade.

(Find the Preschool/Kindergarten Bundle HERE)

Palm Sunday - Jesus rides into jerusalem

Palm Sunday is celebrated/observed on the Sunday before Jesus died.

On this day, Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey. The story reminds us that Jesus is King, and deserves to be celebrated as such.

There are many ways to bring this story to life, including recreating the story by having kids wave branches and praise Jesus and laying out a real path of palm branches or local foliage.

For more ideas, including simple printable crafts, check out Palm Sunday Bible Lessons for Kids. 

The Last Supper

Jesus and his disciples gathered to celebrate the Passover meal, the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest.

It was at this meal that Jesus started the tradition of communion, a time to pause and remember His sacrifice. Many churches observe communion in different ways, and learning about The Last Supper is a great chance to lead a discussion on how you celebrate communion.

While learning about The Last Supper, try sharing a meal with your kids, baking unleavened bread like what is eaten at Passover, and writing thank-you letters to Jesus. For more details on these ideas, as well as ideas for simple crafts and lesson plans, check out The Last Supper Bible Lessons for Kids blog.

Good Friday - jesus is arrested

After sharing the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus prayed to the Garden of Gethsemane. While there, he was arrested and later crucified.

This event is usually remembered on Good Friday.

This story teaches about Jesus’ great sacrifice and incredible love for humanity. For craft and activity ideas, printable lesson plans, and kid-friendly videos, check out Jesus’ Arrest Bible Lessons for Kids.

easter sunday - Jesus is Risen!

Three days after he was crucified, Jesus rose from the dead! He appeared to many of his disciples, and they rejoiced. We also rejoice and remember that death did not have the final word.

We celebrate this event on Easter Sunday.

Take time to celebrate with your kids: worship and dance, make Resurrection Buns, and do crafts to retell the story. Check out the Jesus is Risen Bible Lessons for Kids blog for more ideas, including a simple printable empty tomb craft.

Despite the emphasis many put on Easter bunnies and egg hunts, let us not forget that Jesus should be the central focus of Easter. Teach your kids this story; they will remember it forever. So many great activities can make the Easter story engaging for preschool and elementary-aged kids.

Easter Sunday Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids

He is Risen! Teaching kids about Jesus’ resurrection is a powerful way to help them understand the true meaning of Easter Sunday in the Bible. Using engaging videos, hands-on activities, creative crafts, and printable lesson plans can make this important story come to life easily for children to grasp. Whether you're a parent, Sunday school teacher, or work in a faith-based school, these kid-friendly resources will help you share the message of Jesus' victory over death in a fun and meaningful way. In this blog, you'll find exciting lessons for Easter Sunday that capture kids' attention and deepen their faith.

what is the easter story in the bible?

Jesus was crucified and laid in a tomb. Three days later, some women (including Mary Magdelene) went to the tomb with spices they had prepared. When they arrived, they found the stone had been rolled away. An angel appeared to them and told them Jesus was alive! Jesus appeared to the women, his disciples, and many others in the days following his resurrection, proving his victory over death and sin!

Easter Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach the Easter story to kids? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for kids aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version)


The religious leaders asked for guards to be stationed at the tomb because they didn’t want anyone to steal the body of Jesus. They remembered Jesus had said He would be risen after three days. They didn’t believe Jesus, but they thought the disciples might come to steal the body and trick people.

It’s very special that Jesus appeared to women first. In Bible times, women were viewed as less important than men. But Jesus went against what society said and did things God’s way – showing love to everyone! 

easter sunday craft for preschool - the empty tomb

Making a craft with moving pieces brings joy to preschoolers. Using a simple paper fastener can help facilitate kids’ imagination when they learn about the empty tomb. Complete a simple printable craft of Jesus’ tomb and attach the large stone piece to the front of the tomb. You can find template pieces in Jesus is Risen for Preschool. Kids will enjoy swinging the stone back and forth to see that the tomb is empty. Jesus is alive!

Easter Sunday craft for big kids - ‘he is risen’ paper scene

Older kids will enjoy the challenge of layering different shapes and pieces together to create an empty tomb scene. Have kids trace their hands on yellow paper. This will be the sunrise! Then, use the template pieces provided in Jesus is Risen for Older Kids and have kids layer and glue them together.

When you’re done, add the square piece that reads “Jesus is Alive” to help kids remember the story's big idea.

OTHER IDEAS for Easter Sunday

  • Rock Painting: Gather rocks of various sizes, clean them off, and have kids paint the rocks. They might want to add an image of the cross or a memory verse. The rock will serve as a reminder that the stone was rolled away and the tomb was empty. 

  • Resurrection Buns: These delicious treats are fun to make and teach a powerful lesson that the tomb is empty. Make bread bun dough, and put a large marshmallow inside. As the dough cooks, the marshmallow will melt into the dough. When kids break open the buns, an empty cavity will be inside. Kids are amazed that the marshmallow disappears, and this is a great reminder that Jesus is no longer in the tomb. Many recipes are online, but here’s one suggestion from Oh Sweet Basil.

  • Resurrection Eggs - Resurrection Eggs by Family Life are a simple yet powerful way to retell the story of Jesus' death and resurrection. There are twelve eggs, each containing an object representing a part of the story. A little story goes along with each egg. Kids love opening the eggs and hearing the corresponding parts of the story. This resource is great for years to come and could become a fun new Easter tradition.

YouTube videos about the easter story 

Many YouTube videos about Easter include the crucifixion as well as the resurrection. The crucifixion can be an upsetting part of the story for kids, so (as always) preview all videos you intend to show your kids. Here are some suggestions for videos:


Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a series exploring the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Triumphal Entry (Palm Sunday), The Last Supper, and Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday).

From printable crafts to hands-on projects, these activities bring the Easter message to life, making it both memorable and faith-filled for children.

Good Friday Bible Lesson for Kids - Jesus is Arrested

Teaching kids about the true meaning of Good Friday, when Jesus was arrested, can be engaging and meaningful with the right activities. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work in a faith-based school, using crafts, games, kid-friendly videos, and printable lesson plans can help bring this Easter-season story to life. In this blog, we’ll explore creative and age-appropriate ways to help children understand Jesus' arrest, its significance, and how it fits into the larger story of His love and sacrifice. Keep reading for fun and faith-filled teaching ideas!

where is the story of Jesus’ arrest found in the Bible?

The story of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion is told in all four gospels: Matthew 26:36- 27, Mark 14:32- 15, Luke 22:39- 23, and Mark 18-19.

Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas Iscariot led the religious leaders to Jesus, and they arrested him. Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin and then Pontius Pilate.

Jesus suffered greatly. He was beaten, mocked, and given a crown of thorns. He was made to carry his cross. They nailed him to the cross between two criminals, with a sign over his head saying “King of the Jews.”

When Jesus died, the veil in the temple tore in two, and the earth shook. 

One of Jesus’ followers, named Joseph of Arimathea, took Jesus’ body and laid it in the tomb. The tomb was sealed with a large stone, and Roman soldiers were stationed out front.

But this was not the end of the story…

Jesus is Arrested and Crucified Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple, meaningful way to teach the Easter story? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for kids aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade version)


The crucifixion was a terrible way to die, and there are many graphic details you could go into while describing Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. However, remember that this story's central message is that Jesus died for us because He loves us and Jesus is the Son of God. I try not to focus on the gruesome details that might instill fear and take away from the story. Children will learn more about the arrest and crucifixion when it is appropriate. 

Emphasize to kids that this is not the end of the story. A great miracle is yet to come, and Jesus will not stay dead! This is important, especially if kids have until the following week to hear the rest of the story. We want kids to remember that Jesus died because He loves them. But He did NOT stay dead! 


The imagery of the three crosses is a big part of this story and a beautiful reminder of what Jesus did for us. In this hands-on craft, kids will create the three crosses scene. This can be done in a couple of ways.

Craft Option 1: Play Dough and Paper Plates

In this hands-on three-crosses craft, you will make the scene using popsicle sticks, play dough, and paper plates. First, create the crosses ahead of time by hot-gluing popsicle sticks together in the shape of a cross. Then, use playdough or clay to make the hill and stick the crosses into the hill. With any remaining time, you can color the crosses or the paper plate.

Craft Option 2: Printable Scene

Create the scene of the three crosses using printable pieces. The background scene (in color or line art) is available in the lesson plan ‘Jesus is Arrested’ for Preschoolers


A child paints a sunset using watercolor paints.

Painting a sunset background using watercolor paints.

Show older kids pictures of sunsets and help them notice that sunsets aren’t a single color. Discuss what they see. Where are the darkest colors in the sunset? Where are the lightest colors in the sunset? Print off a picture or two of a sunset to keep available as kids complete the art project.

  • Then, give the kids time to create a sunset using watercolor paints. This is best done on a piece of thicker paper, like cardstock.

While the paint is drying, create three crosses out of black cardstock paper. I cut the paper into thin strips and gave the kids glue to create the cross shape. Then, glue the crosses onto the watercolor sunset.


A printable easter basket and eggs is pictured. The basket reads "The Easter Story" and each egg depicts a part of the Easter story from the Bible.

The Easter Story printable basket craft.

Easter eggs are another popular symbol of Easter. So why not have kids create Easter eggs to help them retell the story of Jesus’ Arrest? Using the template pieces provided in Jesus is Arrested and Crucified for Older Kids, have kids assemble a basket and eggs with pictures of the story on them. Kids can pull the eggs out of the basket and explain each part of the story!


A coloring page is pictured next to markers and small tubs of play dough. The worksheet reads "Jesus is Alive".

‘Color and Worship’ coloring pages.

Sometimes, it's easier for kids to worship and sing if their hands have something simple to do. Give kids coloring or a small sensory toy like play dough or rice. You can also set out a simple coloring worksheet. Play worship music that connects to the theme as they play or color. Some song suggestions are:


  • Nail in the Cross Station: This activity, often done with teenagers or adults, helps kids visualize that Jesus took our sins to the cross. Have kids draw or write down a sin. It could be something they have done or something more generic from a class discussion. Then, have kids either nail this piece of paper to a wooden cross or lay it in a basket at the foot of a cross. Then, lead the kids in a prayer, thanking Jesus for dying for us. 

  • Garden Prayer: Before his arrest, Jesus went to the garden to pray. Walk through a garden with your kids and pray, thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. If you can't go outside, create a pretend garden inside with plants, pictures, or images on a TV. 

  • The Story of Easter Symbol Hunt: This story involves many symbols, including a crown of thorns, a purple robe, a cross, a tomb, dice, coins, and nails. Print out pictures of these items and hide them around the room. Then, give kids different Bible references; they will find the image that matches the reference. For example, you could give kids the verse Mark 15:17, and they would have to find the purple robe and the crown of thorns to match the verse. 

YOUTUBE VIDEOS for good Friday

As mentioned earlier, this story can be upsetting for some kids, especially when an emphasis is placed on Jesus' suffering. When choosing videos to watch, be mindful of your kids and pre-watch them to ensure they are age-appropriate. Most video suggestions below also show the resurrection:


Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a set of four lessons that explore the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday), and Jesus is Risen (Easter Sunday).

The story of Good Friday, Jesus’ Arrest and Crucifixion, is a perfect reminder of Jesus' love and sacrifice. Whether through crafts, activities, worship, or discussion, there are many ways to help this story make a lasting impact on kids.

The Last Supper Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids

Teaching kids in preschool and beyond about The Last Supper can be both meaningful and fun! These crafts, activities, kid-friendly videos, and printable lesson plans will help children understand this important Bible story. Whether you’re a Sunday School teacher, homeschooling parent, or work in a faith-based school, you can bring the story of Jesus’ final meal with His disciples to life in a way kids can grasp and remember.

THE bible STORY of the last supper

The story of the Last Supper is told in all four gospels: Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-38, and John 13:1-30. (John’s telling focuses on Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.)

Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. He was referring to Judah Iscariot, but the disciples didn’t understand what he meant.

During the meal, Jesus broke bread, telling them that the bread represented his broken body. Jesus also drank wine, saying that the wine represented his blood. After sharing the meal, they sang a hymn.

Paul’s teaching on communion found in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 also goes well with the story of the Last Supper.

The Last Supper Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach about communion and the Last Supper? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for children aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the Preschool/Kindergarten version!)


The Passover is a special meal to remember how God saved the people from slavery in Egypt; this story can be found in Exodus. Jews still celebrate Passover today.

The Israelites celebrated Passover every year with specific foods and a strict schedule. For example, they ate unleavened bread (bread made without yeast) to remember that they left Egypt so quickly that there wasn’t time for the bread to rise.

When Jesus told the disciples that the bread represented his body and the wine represented his blood, he gave these elements a new purpose. Jesus was the new Perfect Lamb, and the bread and wine would remind God’s people of his sacrifice.


A child colors a worksheet with a Bible verse in different shades of blue and purple.

Although Jesus led the first communion with bread and wine, we can choose to remember Jesus at every meal.

Kids will love a simple craft where they create a communion placement that they can bring home to help them explain what they learned to their parents. This placemat can sit on the table and help kids remember Jesus whenever they gather to eat. For a placemat template, check out The Last Supper for Older Kids.

As kids color, talk to them about how every meal can be a time to remember Jesus and his sacrifice. It doesn’t just need to be during Communion time at church.


A blue worksheet is pictured on a pink clipboard. The worksheet reads "Communion in my church".

What does communion look like at your church? When do you have it? Who partakes? Which elements are served?

Communion can be observed in various ways in different churches. Use the provided graphic organizer to discuss what communion looks like in your church. 

Use the graphic organizer in The Last Supper for Older Kids to help guide this conversation. It’s also a great chance to compare and contrast how other local churches might observe communion.


A piece of paper reading "filling the table" is pictured on colorful paper. The worksheet contains images of food (brownies, salad, stew) cut and glued from a cooking magazine.

Younger kids will enjoy a simple cut-and-glue craft. Gather family-friendly magazines and cut out pictures of food. Use the template provided in The Last Supper for Preschool. Then, let the kids fill out their table templates with images of their favorite foods!  

Cooking magazines are great resources to get the images for this craft!


  • Share a Meal - Share a meal while sitting around a table. You could prepare items similar to those served at Passover, like unleavened bread and charoset, or keep it simple and bring in snacks like fishy crackers, fruit, and chips. Regardless of what is served, kids will remember the experience of sharing a meal.

  • Playdough Meal - If sharing an authentic meal isn’t an option in your context, give kids playdough and have them make pretend food to share.

  • Foot Washing: Use small basins, water, and towels, and have kids wash each other’s feet (or their own feet if the idea of washing someone else’s feet makes them feel awkward). Jesus washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper. Why not recreate this moment of humility with your students? 

  • Bake Bread—If you are able, bake unleavened bread with your students. Find a simple recipe and follow the steps with your kids. Here are a few suggestions: Unleavened Bread by All Recipes or Unleavened Bread by Oh Sweet Basil. 

  • “Thank You, Jesus” Letter—Communion is a beautiful time to remember what Jesus did for us and to thank him for his sacrifice. Have kids write a letter thanking Jesus and sharing anything else they want to pray about. 


Watching YouTube clips can be a great way to help our visual learners glean more from the lesson. But be sure to pre-watch any videos you plan on showing to ensure they are age-appropriate and match the content you want to teach. Here are some suggestions: 


Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a set of four lessons that explore the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday), and Jesus is Risen (Easter Sunday).

The Last Supper is a beautiful story of Jesus' humility and new covenant with his people. Whether in Sunday school, at home, or in a faith-based school, there are many ways to make this story memorable for kids as you seek to teach them about Jesus' love.

Palm Sunday Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids

Teaching kids the Bible story of Palm Sunday is a fantastic way to help them understand the joy and significance of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. You can bring this important story to life with engaging lesson plans, hands-on crafts, fun activities, and kid-friendly YouTube videos. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work in a faith-based school, these ideas will help you share the message of Palm Sunday in a way kids in preschool and beyond will love!

Palm Sunday Bible Crafts for Kids - A printable craft is pictured. On the craft, Jesus is riding on a donkey and palm branches are being glued to the road.


Palm Sunday is a day that people celebrate and remember when Jesus entered Jerusalem, and people honored him. They waved palm branches, laid their coats on the road, and shouted, "Hosanna!" which means "Save us!" They welcomed Jesus like a king! How quickly things change because just a few days later, the people would be mocking him and calling for his crucifixion.

Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week, which leads up to Easter. On this day, we celebrate Jesus’ love and His amazing resurrection!

THE STORY of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem

The Bible story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry story is in all four gospels (Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19).

Jesus and his disciples were traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. When they were close to the city, Jesus instructed two disciples to go to a nearby village and find a young donkey. Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem.

People threw their cloaks on the ground and laid palm branches before Jesus. They cried, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” (Luke 19:38 NIV)

Palm Sunday Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach kids about Palm Sunday? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for children aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version)

fulfilling a prophecy 

The fact that Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem is an important detail in the story. Kings rode donkeys, and Jesus is the King of kings. Zechariah also prophesied that the Messiah would come riding a donkey, and Jesus fulfilled this prophecy when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey.

PALM BRANCHES CRAFT FOR preschool and kindergarten

Preschool and kindergarten-aged children will enjoy a simple craft where they add palm branches to a scene of Jesus riding into Jerusalem. This craft can help them retell the story to their parents or caregivers.

This craft can be done with real foliage available in your local area. Gather some small greenery and glue it to the road under Jesus’ feet.

You can also use the printable palm branches. I suggest cutting out the branches ahead of time (they’re in the  Jesus Riding into Jerusalem for Preschoolers Bible lesson). Then, give the kids the coloring page and let them add their own colors. Finally, have them glue the pre-cut palm branches onto the picture.


Explain to kids that the people in this story waved palm branches to celebrate Jesus. As a craft, kids can create a flag to wave to honor Jesus. Brainstorm different worship phrases you could write on your flag. For example, Jesus is King, Hosanna, or Thank you, Jesus. Or use one of the flags with a phrase already included from Jesus Rides into Jerusalem for Older Kids

Give the kids time to decorate their flags and write their phrases. As they work, try playing worship music. Then, cut out the flag and attach it to something sturdy, such as a chopstick, pencil, or stick.



YouTube videos can help kids learn about Palm Sunday, but preview all videos to ensure they are age-appropriate and match what you are trying to teach. Here are some suggestions:


Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a set of four lessons that explore the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday), and Jesus is Risen (Easter Sunday)

Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is the pinnacle story of Holy Week. Whether you teach at home, in church, or in a faith-based school, there are many creative ideas for helping kids learn the importance of this story: Jesus is King, and Jesus is worthy of praise!