Noah's Ark Bible Lessons for Kids
Teaching a Bible lesson about Noah’s ark is a great way to introduce kids to important lessons about faith, obedience, and God's promises. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or Sunday school leader, there are countless creative ways to bring this beloved Bible story to life. From kid-friendly videos that capture the wonder of Noah's journey to hands-on crafts like making mini arks and rainbow art, this blog will explore exciting ideas to engage young learners. You'll also find printable lesson plans designed to make the story of Noah's Ark meaningful and memorable for children of all ages.
THE bible STORY of noah’s ark
Genesis 5-9 tells the story of Noah and his family. The Bible tells us that the people on Earth were wicked, and God decided to start over. But one man, Noah, and his family loved God. God told Noah to build an Ark, giving him precise instructions. God also sent animals to fill the boat.
When the boat was complete, God shut the door, and rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. Then Noah, his family, and the animals floated in the Ark for over a year. When the water receded, God opened the door and put a rainbow in the sky as a promise never to flood the whole earth again.
Noah’s Ark Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for a simple way to teach Noah’s Ark to kids? Our printable craft, discussion questions, and scripted lesson are perfect for 3-8-year-olds.
The Ark, which had three stories and a roof with an opening under it, took over 100 years to build. When the floodwaters came, Noah was 600 years old.
Many Noah’s Ark stories say there were two of every kind of animal. However, when we look closer at the Scriptures, we see seven pairs of clean animals (e.g., sheep, goats, and cows) and one pair of each unclean animal.
Preschoolers will love this simple printable craft: filling the ark with animals. Using the template pieces provided in Noah’s Ark for Preschoolers, have kids cut out the Noah and animal pieces and glue them to the ark.
You may want to pre-cut some of the animals ahead of time.
Stickers would also make a great addition to this craft. Pick up some animal stickers from your local dollar store and let kids create their own pairs of animals on their ark.
Older kids, who have a little more dexterity, will enjoy making this slightly more complicated version of Noah’s ark. In this printable craft, small flaps fold down to show pairs of animals in the ark.
Using the template pieces provided in Noah’s Ark for Older Kids, have kids color and cut out their ark and animal pairs. Glue the animal pairs behind the flaps and glue the Ark onto a blank paper, being careful not to glue any flaps closed. Then, add the dove and rainbow.
Animal Cracker Snack: Animal crackers are a great snack for this lesson. Have young kids identify each animal and make its sounds.
Construct Arks: Challenge kids to construct an Ark using various supplies, such as cardboard boxes, popsicle sticks, magnetic tiles, or Legos.
Ark Dioramas: Give each child a shoebox and supplies such as scissors, construction paper, cardboard, pipe cleaners, popsicles, and glue. Then, give them time to create a diorama of the Ark. You could even purchase inexpensive toy animals to add to their diorama.
Rainbow Art: Check out the Artful Parent for cute rainbow craft ideas. Some ideas include Rainbow Ice Painting, Rainbow Slime, and a 3D Rainbow Cardboard Sculpture.
Sink or Float Experiment: Conduct a simple experiment where kids have to find objects that will sink and float. Have a discussion that brings it back to how Noah’s Ark floated on the water for over a year!
As always, preview the videos you show kids, but here are some suggestions.
For some shorter videos, check out:
The Story of Noah’s Ark or Who is Noah? by Minno Bible Stories for Kids
Saddleback Kids’ Noah’s Ark or Noah
For some longer videos, check out:
Looking for more bible lessons from the book of Genesis?
Continue the learning with more Old Testament stories from Genesis. This lesson is part of a six-week lesson series called In the Beginning. These lessons aboutNoah are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
Noah’s Ark is a timeless story that captures the imaginations of children. The story contains themes of obedience, trust in God, and God’s faithfulness. There are many ideas for teaching Noah’s Ark that will leave a lasting impression on young hearts and minds!