Posts in old testament
The Ten Commandments Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids

Teaching the Ten Commandments to kids can be fun and meaningful with the right resources. By incorporating kid-friendly videos, crafts, activities, and printable lesson plans, you can make these timeless lessons come alive for young learners. These creative approaches will help children understand the importance of each commandment while having fun and staying engaged. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or children's ministry leader, this blog offers practical ideas for bringing the Ten Commandments to life in a memorable and impactful way.

What are the ten commandments in kid-friendly terms?

The Ten Commandments poster is available in the Bible for Bigger Kids lesson.

When I teach the Ten Commandments to kids, especially the littlest ones in preschool and kindergarten, I share God’s commandments in kid-friendly terms. This helps the kids understand the commandments and keeps our conversation at an age-appropriate level.

Some of the commandments are for adults and don’t need to be explained in nitty-gritty detail to three- and four-year-olds.

Here’s each of the commandments (taken from the NIV Bible) broken down into kid-friendly terms.

  1. You shall have no other gods before me - Love God and put Him first.

  2. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything - You should only worship God.

  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God - Say God’s name with love and respect.

  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy - Rest one day a week and keep it holy.

  5. Honor your father and your mother - Obey your parents.

  6. You shall not murder - Do not hurt anyone.

  7. You shall not commit adultery - Keep your wedding promises.

  8. You shall not steal - Do not steal anything.

  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor - Tell the truth.

  10. You shall not covet - Don’t wish for what others have.

The Ten Commandments Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach the Ten Commandments to kids? Check out our scripted lessons, discussion questions, and printable crafts. Perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Click HERE for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version!)

where are the ten commandments found in the bible?

The story of the Ten Commandments can be found in Exodus 19 and 20. About three months after leaving Egypt, the people camped near Mount Sinai. God descended onto the mountain in a cloud. Moses then went up and down Mount Sinai, hearing what God had to say and telling the people about it. Along with other instructions outlined in Exodus 20-31, God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which he wrote on two stone tablets. God’s people were to follow these foundational laws, which we still follow today!


Did you know God had to write the commandments on the stone tablets twice? While Moses was on top of the mountain, the people became impatient. They had Aaron (Moses’ brother) form a golden calf to worship. After God had finished writing the commandments on the tablets for the first time, Moses walked down the mountain, saw the golden calf, and was enraged. He threw the tablets onto the ground, and they broke. Exodus 32 tells the whole story of the golden calf.

Later, in Exodus 34, God wrote the commandments again on two new tablets. 


The printable Ten Commandments craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Sometimes, the language used around the Ten Commandments can be confusing. Coveting? What exactly does that mean? Adultery? How do you explain that in kid-friendly terms?

Younger kids will love this simple cut-and-glue Ten Commandments craft that uses kid-friendly language. Kids will cut out each of the ten commandments. Then, they’ll glue them onto a printable stone table. Each of the printable pieces is available in color or greyscale in the lesson The Ten Commandments for Preschoolers.


The printable Ten Commandments craft for bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.

We also complete a ten commandments craft in the Bible lesson for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades. At this level, you can use your discretion and teach the commandments in kid-friendly terms or teach them directly from your preferred translation of the Bible.

The printable craft pieces (and posters) in this lesson come in multiple versions, so you can choose the one that works best for your group of students.

The Ten Commandments for Older Kids includes two versions of the craft pictured here. Version one (pictured) includes words and pictures, and version two leaves space for kids to draw their own illustrations of each commandment.


  • Brown Paper Bag Tablets: Cut a brown paper bag (or brown construction paper) into two stone tablet shapes. Then, use markers to write the Ten Commandments on the tablets. Crumple the brown paper to give it an “old-stone” effect. For more detailed instructions, check out Crayola’s Ten Commandments Craft

  • Ten Commandment Memory: Create a simple memory game where kids must match the command with its meaning. For example, “Do not covet” means “Don’t envy what someone else has,” and “Do not steal” means “Don’t take what isn’t yours.” You’ll have to be careful with the definitions you choose for adultery, depending on the age level of your kids. You might want to try “Staying faithful to your marriage vows” or “keeping your marriage promises.”

  • Ten Commandment Songs: There are several catchy songs that you could sing with your kids to teach them the Ten Commandments. Here are some fun ones


As always, make sure to preview any videos your show your kids, but here are some ideas:


Continue the learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses. These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Whether you’re a parent, Sunday School teacher, or teacher at a faith-based school, there are plenty of great ways to teach kids that the Ten Commandments are more than just rules. They are guidelines for showing love to God and to others.

Moses and the Red Sea - Bible Craft and Lesson for Kids

Teaching the Bible story of Moses and the Red Sea is a powerful way to help kids understand God’s protection, faithfulness, and miracles. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work at a faith-based school, engaging kids with creative videos, hands-on activities, fun crafts, and printable lesson plans can bring this incredible story to life. In this blog, you'll find exciting ideas to make learning about Moses, the Israelites, and the Red Sea crossing memorable and meaningful for children of all ages.

What’s the story of Moses at the red sea?

Exodus 14:1-31 tells the story of the Parting of the Red Sea. Pharaoh finally allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt, and Moses led them away. However, it didn’t take long for Pharaoh to change his mind and send his army after them. The Israelites were trapped, with the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them.

God told Moses to raise his staff. The Red Sea parted, creating a dry path for the Israelites to cross. Once the Israelites were all safe on the other side, God caused the sea to rush back and drown the army pursuing them.

Parting of the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Kids

Are you looking for a simple way to teach the story of the miracle at the Red Sea? Check out our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable craft. Perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version!)


There were about 2 million Israelite people who needed to cross the Red Sea, along with all their animals. This would have taken many hours! God protected His people while they were crossing by using a pillar of cloud to block the Egyptians’ view. 

The Israelites were in awe of what God had done, and they stopped to sing a song to the Lord after safely crossing the sea. God is worthy of our praise!


Kids in preschool and kindergarten will love this simple craft that shows Moses and the Israelites crossing on dry land at the Red Sea.

Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

This printable craft can be completed using only the pieces provided in the Moses and the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Preschoolers, plus a pair of scissors and a glue stick! It’s a great option for those times you can’t gather any extra craft pieces.

Once you’ve printed out a set of pieces (dry land, water, Moses, and God’s people), have kids color each one and cut them out. Then, glue down the pieces to create a scene of the Red Sea crossing!

This craft comes in two versions, black and white and full-color.


Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.

Kids in first, second, and third grades can make a slightly more challenging craft found using the printable pieces found in the Bible lesson Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids. This craft uses a few additional craft supplies.

First, roll two pieces of blue construction paper into a tube shape to curl the paper. Then cut small slits into half of the paper. Glue these down to be the walls of water on either side of the dry path. Then, use the printable pieces provided to add the people crossing the Red Sea. 


  • Gratitude Journal: The Israelites were rescued from an impossible situation. While we might not face the Red Sea, we sometimes have hard times before us. Have kids write about how they need God’s help and pray for His help. You’ll find a writing prompt template in Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids.

  • Parting the Sea Game: Teach kids a simple game in which they line up in the center of the learning space. Call out “Part the Sea” and have them act like the waves, parting to either side of the room. 

  • Pillar of Clouds Game: This game works best if kids have a large area to run around and the space is clear of obstacles. Have one kid be the leader. They will move around the classroom like the Pillar of Cloud, and the other kids will follow the leader.

  • Oil and Water Experiment: Add water to a clear bowl. Then, add oil to the bowl so kids can see how the oil and water separate. 

  • Pepper and Soap Experiment: Sprinkle pepper across the top of the water. Then, add a few drops of soap to the water. The pepper will repel away from the soap, causing a “splitting” effect. Follow the instructions from Fun Learning for Kids. This fun experiment will lend to a discussion about God parting the Red Sea. 

  • Red Sea Obstacle Course: Create a simple obstacle course in which kids get from one side of the room to the other by going through cones or chairs representing the parted sea. To add a challenge, have kids carry things like piles of clothing, stuffed animals, or other small objects, representing how the Israelites would have had their animals and belongings with them while crossing the Red Sea.

YOUTUBE VIDEOS ABOUT Moses and the red sea

There are many videos on YouTube for the Parting of the Red Sea story. Some go into more detail than others and show images of the water rushing over the Egyptians. Be sure to preview all movies to make sure they are appropriate for your age groups.


Continue your learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses that also includes The Birth of Moses, The Ten Plagues of Egypt, and the Ten Commandments.

These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Teaching kids about the Parting of the Red Sea can be fun and meaningful with hands-on activities, crafts, and storytelling. These creative ideas help kids remember that God makes a way, even in impossible situations.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt Bible Lesson for Kids

If you’re looking for creative ways to teach the Bible story of the Ten Plagues, this blog has engaging ideas to bring this powerful story to life! From kid-friendly YouTube videos to hands-on crafts and activities and printable lesson plans, you'll find everything you need to make learning fun and memorable. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschooler, or work in a faith-based school, these ideas are designed to captivate young learners while helping them understand the lessons behind this epic story. Keep reading for inspiration and resources to make teaching the Ten Plagues meaningful and enjoyable!

what’s the story of the ten plagues of egypt?

The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. God heard their cries and sent Moses to free the people. Pharoah’s heart was hard, and he refused to let the people go, so God sent ten plagues to afflict the Egyptian people. The ten plagues are described in Exodus 7:14 – 12:30. First, the water turned to blood. Then there were frogs, gnats, flies, the death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness. The final plague was the death of the firstborn son of every Egyptian family unless the household followed God’s command to mark the doorpost with the blood of a lamb.

The Ten Plagues Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Bible story ‘The Ten Plagues’? Our scripted lesson, discussion questions, and printable craft are perfect for 3—to 8-year-olds.

(Get the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade version HERE!)


The Egyptians worshiped false gods, and each plague was specifically against these gods. For example, turning the Nile into blood proved that the god of the Nile and the guardian of the Nile were useless. 

Before the final plague (the death of the firstborn son), God gave the Israelites instructions to take refuge in a house marked with the blood of a lamb. The angel of death would pass over the house, and those inside would be safe. This was the first Passover. 

This event points to Jesus. Jesus is often called the Lamb of God. Jesus came to earth to live a perfect life, to become the sacrificial lamb, and to die on the cross for our sins. 


Create a story spinner so kids can easily retell the story of the ten plagues. This simple printable craft spins in a circle to reveal the ten plagues of Egypt.

Little kids in preschool and kindergarten can complete a version where the pictures are already included.

For bigger kids, try selecting the blank spinner craft and asking kids to draw their own pictures.

The template pieces can be found in The Ten Plagues for Preschool or The Ten Plagues for Older Kids


Who doesn’t enjoy a good puppet craft? Kids will enjoy this simple yet fun craft, creating Moses and Pharaoh puppets. One side of the puppet shows Moses saying, “Let my people go,” and the other shows Pharaoh replying, “No!”

Once you’ve made your puppets, try re-reading the story, giving the kids a chance to use their puppets each time Moses talks to Pharaoh. This craft will give kids a fun way to retell the story.

The template pieces are in The Ten Plagues for Older Kids



As always, be sure to preview videos before showing them to your students, but here are some suggestions:


Continue the learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses that also includes The Birth of Moses, The Ten Commandments, and a Miracle at the Red Sea.

These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Teaching kids the Ten Plagues Bible story can be fun and meaningful. These craft and activity ideas make the story engaging and memorable, helping children connect with its powerful lessons of God’s justice and deliverance.