Abraham and Sarah Bible Story and Lesson for Kids
Teaching children about the Bible story of Abraham and Sarah is a wonderful opportunity to explore themes of faith, trust, and God's unwavering love. This story in Genesis reminds us that nothing is impossible for God, even when circumstances seem unlikely. In this blog, we’ll share creative and engaging ways to bring this story to life for kids, including kid-friendly videos, crafts, activities, and printable lesson plans. Whether you’re a Sunday school teacher, a parent, or work in a faith-based school, these ideas will help children connect with the story.
The bible Story of Abraham and sarah
The story of Abraham and Sarah is scattered throughout the first half of Genesis. Genesis 15 outlines God’s covenant with Abraham. God promised that Abraham’s descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the shoreline. This promise seemed impossible to Abraham because he had no children and was old.
In Genesis 17:1-22, God promised Abraham and Sarah a son. Later, Genesis 18:1-15 outlines the story of three visitors coming to visit. The visitors told Abraham that Sarah would conceive a son, and she laughed because she thought this was impossible since she was an old woman.
Genesis 21:1-7 tells of Isaac’s birth. God kept His promise. God can do impossible things!
The Story of Abraham and Sarah - Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for an easy way to teach about God’s amazing promise to Abraham and Sarah? Grab a scripted lesson and printable craft that is perfect for kids aged 3-8.
Background Information About God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah
Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born, and Sarah was 90. They had waited 25 years for God to keep His promise!
The name Isaac means ‘laughter’. This was an appropriate name for Isaac because Sarah laughed when she learned she would have a baby at such an old age.
Cut and Glue Craft for Preschool
When we study a Bible story in Sunday school, I love to pair it with a simple craft for kids to take home. In preschool, we like to keep these crafts as simple as possible with as little prep as we can. These simple crafts can be great talking points for families when they are sent home. For this story, we hope kids will use their crafts to explain that the miracle shows God can do anything.
In this simple craft, preschoolers will cut and glue baby Isaac into a scene with Abraham and Sarah. The printable pieces for the craft are in the lesson Abraham and Sarah for Preschool.
Flipbook Craft for Older Kids
For older kids, try a flip-craft. Bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grades can color and glue the two scenes together: one showing Abraham and Sarah with empty arms and one showing them holding Baby Isaac. This simple craft will help them retell the story and explain the miracle to their families. For the template pieces, check out Abraham and Sarah for Older Kids.
More Activities to Teach God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah
God promised that Abraham and Sarah’s descendants would outnumber the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Here are a few sand and star activities:
Create a Night Sky Scene using Stickers: Color a night scene and add star stickers.
Wax Resist Night Sky: Draw a starry sky scene with oil pastels or crayons. Then, paint over the scene using watercolor paint. Press relatively hard with the pastels or crayons for the best results. Check out these Wool Jr. for more specific instructions.
Sand Jars: Purchase inexpensive small jars from the dollar store, Then have kids fill their jars with sand as a reminder of God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah.
Sand Sensory Challenge: Fill a bin with sand and sand toys. Then, give the kids an opportunity to play with the sand. While they play, challenge them to count the grains of sand. This will provide them with a real sense of God’s vast promise!
YouTube Videos About God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah
Here are a few shorter videos telling the story of Abraham and Sarah:
For some longer videos, check out:
God’s Amazing Promises by LifeKids is a 23-minute episode with the Bible story, songs, and an application lesson on faith.
Looking for more Genesis lessons?
Continue the learning with more Old Testament stories from Genesis. This lesson is part of a six-week lesson series called In the Beginning. These lessons about Abraham and Sarah are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah is a beautiful story about God’s faithfulness. Whether you are teaching at home, Sunday School, or in a faith-based school, there are many activities that you can use to help kids grasp the depth of God’s promises and the importance of trusting His plans.