Moses and the Red Sea - Bible Craft and Lesson for Kids
Teaching the Bible story of Moses and the Red Sea is a powerful way to help kids understand God’s protection, faithfulness, and miracles. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work at a faith-based school, engaging kids with creative videos, hands-on activities, fun crafts, and printable lesson plans can bring this incredible story to life. In this blog, you'll find exciting ideas to make learning about Moses, the Israelites, and the Red Sea crossing memorable and meaningful for children of all ages.
What’s the story of Moses at the red sea?
Exodus 14:1-31 tells the story of the Parting of the Red Sea. Pharaoh finally allowed the Israelites to leave Egypt, and Moses led them away. However, it didn’t take long for Pharaoh to change his mind and send his army after them. The Israelites were trapped, with the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them.
God told Moses to raise his staff. The Red Sea parted, creating a dry path for the Israelites to cross. Once the Israelites were all safe on the other side, God caused the sea to rush back and drown the army pursuing them.
Parting of the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Kids
Are you looking for a simple way to teach the story of the miracle at the Red Sea? Check out our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable craft. Perfect for kids aged 3-8.
There were about 2 million Israelite people who needed to cross the Red Sea, along with all their animals. This would have taken many hours! God protected His people while they were crossing by using a pillar of cloud to block the Egyptians’ view.
The Israelites were in awe of what God had done, and they stopped to sing a song to the Lord after safely crossing the sea. God is worthy of our praise!
Kids in preschool and kindergarten will love this simple craft that shows Moses and the Israelites crossing on dry land at the Red Sea.
Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.
This printable craft can be completed using only the pieces provided in the Moses and the Red Sea Bible Lesson for Preschoolers, plus a pair of scissors and a glue stick! It’s a great option for those times you can’t gather any extra craft pieces.
Once you’ve printed out a set of pieces (dry land, water, Moses, and God’s people), have kids color each one and cut them out. Then, glue down the pieces to create a scene of the Red Sea crossing!
This craft comes in two versions, black and white and full-color.
Moses and the Red Sea printable craft for bigger kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.
Kids in first, second, and third grades can make a slightly more challenging craft found using the printable pieces found in the Bible lesson Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids. This craft uses a few additional craft supplies.
First, roll two pieces of blue construction paper into a tube shape to curl the paper. Then cut small slits into half of the paper. Glue these down to be the walls of water on either side of the dry path. Then, use the printable pieces provided to add the people crossing the Red Sea.
Gratitude Journal: The Israelites were rescued from an impossible situation. While we might not face the Red Sea, we sometimes have hard times before us. Have kids write about how they need God’s help and pray for His help. You’ll find a writing prompt template in Moses and the Red Sea for Older Kids.
Parting the Sea Game: Teach kids a simple game in which they line up in the center of the learning space. Call out “Part the Sea” and have them act like the waves, parting to either side of the room.
Pillar of Clouds Game: This game works best if kids have a large area to run around and the space is clear of obstacles. Have one kid be the leader. They will move around the classroom like the Pillar of Cloud, and the other kids will follow the leader.
Oil and Water Experiment: Add water to a clear bowl. Then, add oil to the bowl so kids can see how the oil and water separate.
Pepper and Soap Experiment: Sprinkle pepper across the top of the water. Then, add a few drops of soap to the water. The pepper will repel away from the soap, causing a “splitting” effect. Follow the instructions from Fun Learning for Kids. This fun experiment will lend to a discussion about God parting the Red Sea.
Red Sea Obstacle Course: Create a simple obstacle course in which kids get from one side of the room to the other by going through cones or chairs representing the parted sea. To add a challenge, have kids carry things like piles of clothing, stuffed animals, or other small objects, representing how the Israelites would have had their animals and belongings with them while crossing the Red Sea.
YOUTUBE VIDEOS ABOUT Moses and the red sea
There are many videos on YouTube for the Parting of the Red Sea story. Some go into more detail than others and show images of the water rushing over the Egyptians. Be sure to preview all movies to make sure they are appropriate for your age groups.
The Beginner’s Bible's The Story of Moses is a longer video that tells the whole story of Moses.
Continue your learning with more lessons about Moses. This lesson is part of a four-week series about Moses that also includes The Birth of Moses, The Ten Plagues of Egypt, and the Ten Commandments.
These lessons about Moses are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
Teaching kids about the Parting of the Red Sea can be fun and meaningful with hands-on activities, crafts, and storytelling. These creative ideas help kids remember that God makes a way, even in impossible situations.