The Creation Story - Bible Lessons for Kids
Teaching the Creation Bible story to kids is an excellent way to spark their curiosity about God’s amazing work in creating the world. Whether you're homeschooling, leading a Sunday school class, or teaching in a faith-based school, engaging children with creative activities, kid-friendly videos, crafts, and printable lesson plans can make this foundational story come alive. This blog will explore fun and interactive ways to help kids understand the seven days of Creation, fostering their faith and encouraging a love for learning about God’s Word.
the days of creation in the bible
Genesis 1 and 2 outline the story of how God created the world. In the beginning, there was only God. Then, He started to create light, sky, seas, vegetation, sun and moon, animals of all varieties, and people. He did it all in six days and rested on the seventh day.
The Creation Story Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Creation Story? Grab the scripted lesson, discussion questions, and simple craft.
biblical background information
God made everything! After each thing was created, God said that the creation was good. When God created people, He said they were very good. This is different from the rest of Creation. God created us to have a special relationship with Him.
On day seven, God rested. He didn’t need to rest because He was tired. He was modeling the way He wanted us to live. Working hard is good, and resting after hard work is also good.
Days of Creation Mobile for Older Kids
Have kids write or draw what God made each day of Creation, using the template pieces provided in The Creation Story for Bigger Kids. Then, string these together to create a hanging mobile of the Days of Creation.
Days of Creation Craft and activity for little learners
For preschool and kindergarten-aged kids, check out this simplified version of the mobile craft in The Creation Story for Preschool Kids. Students color the templates of each Day of Creation and attach the pieces with a string.
Preschoolers will also love the Days of Creation poster cards included in the lesson plan. Set these posters down on the floor and hop from day to day, shouting out what was created on each one!
More Days of Creation Activities and Crafts
There are some fabulous activities and crafts if you want to focus on a specific day of creation:
Day One: Light and Dark
Shadow Puppets: Try making shadow puppets with your kids. Have kids create their own version of shadow puppets with their hands or follow the instructions from Drama4Kids on How to Make Shadow Puppets.
Flashlight Games: KinderCare has fabulous ideas for flashlight games, including Flashlight Freeze tag and Hide-and-Seek in the Dark.
Day 2: Sky and Water
Clouds in a Jar: Capture kids’ natural curiosity by creating a cloud in a jar following these simple instructions from Gift of Curiosity.
Water Sensory Bins: Use tubs of water, water beads, small containers, boats, and other water toys. This will allow kids to play with water and use their imaginations.
Day 3: Land, Sea, Plants
Nature Collage: Go on a nature walk and have the kids collect leaves, grass, flowers, and other small nature items. Then, have them create a collage using these items.
Plant flowers: Get inexpensive supplies from the garden center or dollar store. Plant flowers with students and send them home with simple instructions on caring for their plants.
Day 4: Sun, Moon, Stars
Wax Resist Sky: Wax-resist art is a classic project for kids. Use crayons or oil pastels to draw a sky scene. Then, have them use watercolor paints to paint overtop. The wax of the crayons or pastels repels the paint. For more specific instructions, check out The Crafting Chicks.
Sticker Sky Art: Have kids add sky-themed stickers to a picture. Kids love stickers!
Day 5: Birds and Fish
Art Hub Fish and Birds: Art for Kids Hub has many fabulous step-by-step videos on how to draw birds and fish for beginners and more advanced drawers. Check out a few, like a hummingbird, tucan, dolphin, and rainbow trout.
Paper Bag Bird Puppet: Many paper bag bird puppet ideas are online. For some ideas, check out this Parrot or Crow.
Day 6: Animals and Humans
Animal Charades: Write different animal names on pieces of paper. Then, have kids pick a piece of paper and act out what that animal is. Challenge the other kids to guess the animal.
Animal Masks: Check out The Artsy Mama for simple animal mask instructions.
YouTube Videos About the Days of Creation
Saddleback Kids’ Creation (Genesis 1-2) is an excellent story retelling.
Minno Bible Stories for Kids: The Creation Story is another good story retelling. It also provides information about the Holy Spirit and what makes God unique.
If you’re looking for a longer teaching video, LifeKids has an episode called In the Beginning: Creation of the World. It tells the Creation story, has a couple of songs related to the story, and a host who does an introduction and ending to the episode.
Looking for more bible lessons from the book of Genesis?
Continue the learning with more Old Testament stories from Genesis. This lesson is part of a six-week lesson series called In the Beginning. These lessons about Creation are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
The Creation story is a great way to teach kids about God’s creativity and deep love for His creation. Plenty of fantastic activities, such as watching videos, acting like animals, or making a mobile, can help kids engage with the Creation story.