Genesis Bible Lessons for Kids
Teaching children the timeless stories in the book of Genesis is an excellent way to introduce them to foundational biblical truths while sparking their imagination. From Creation to Joseph and His Brothers, each story offers meaningful lessons and creative engagement opportunities. Read on for great ideas for crafts, activities, and interactive lessons to help kids connect with these stories in a hands-on, memorable way. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, a teacher at a faith-based school, a homeschooling parent, or simply looking to share these powerful stories at home, these resources will make learning about Genesis fun, enriching, and deeply impactful.
What does genesis mean?
The word ‘Genesis’ means the origin or beginning of something. It’s fitting that the Bible's first book is called Genesis, as it tells the origin stories of the world and God’s people, the Israelites.
Six print-and-go Bible lessons that make it easy to teach stories of Genesis!
Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach Genesis stories to children in preschool through third grade.
The Days of Creation
The Days of Creation mobile craft for kids in grades 1, 2, and 3.
God made everything, and it is good! Learning about the days of creation can spark kids' imaginations as they explore the big world that God created. Hands-on activities and crafts can help foster wonder and creativity as kids in preschool and beyond explore the big idea that God made everything!
Check out The Days of Creation for interactive and fun ways to teach this important Bible story. Kids will love making printable Days of Creation crafts. There’s also a hands-on activity for each day of creation!
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden printable craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.
The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden easily lends itself to discussions of sin, God’s perfection, Satan’s craftiness, and our need for a Savior. Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s actions in the garden, but we know that God has a beautiful plan for our salvation: Jesus! Sin is a heavy topic; we must never forget to pair it with God's forgiveness through Jesus.
Many activities and crafts can help kids explore these topics further. Check out Adam and Eve in the Garden for ideas, such as making apple prints and pipe cleaner snakes and an object lesson on how sin separates us from God. Kids will also love a printable craft where they add 3D images to a Garden of Eden scene.
Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel sticker craft for kids in preschool and kindergarten.
The Tower of Babel story centers on pride. People wanted to make a name for themselves by building a tower to heaven. This story is a powerful lesson about how God feels about a proud heart. It also gives kids fun insight into how languages were introduced.
Some fabulous activities can help make this story come alive. For example, you can teach them how to say (or write) hello in different languages so they can appreciate the beauty of language. You can also challenge them to build towers using physical objects or paper. For a printable tower craft and instructions for a building challenge, check out The Tower of Babel Bible Lessons for Kids.
Noah’s Ark
In this Noah’s Ark craft, kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades will make a lift-the-flap ark.
Noah’s Ark is a timeless story about faith, obedience, and God’s promises. Kids love learning about the fantastical story of God flooding the earth and saving Noah, his family, and animals on an ark. Can you imagine caring for hundreds (possibly thousands) of animals aboard the boat?
Kids can make this story come to life in many ways, such as making arks out of shoe boxes or cereal boxes, conducting a sink/float experiment, or watching YouTube videos about the ark. Check out Noah’s Ark Bible Lessons for more ideas, including a printable lift-the-flap craft.
God’s Promise to Abraham and Sarah
Abraham and Sarah waited decades for God to fulfill His promise of a son, but Isaac eventually came. This story is a beautiful reminder that God keeps His promises.
Help kids explore this story by creating sand jars, challenging them to count the sand (an impossible task!), or making starry sky scenes using stickers and paint. Check out Abraham and Sarah Bible Lessons for more fun ideas, including a printable cut-and-glue craft for younger kids and a printable flip-book craft for older kids!
Joseph and His Brothers
The story of Joseph explores how God can turn an impossible situation into something good. Kids will be astonished to learn that Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery because his brothers were jealous of him. But despite being in a challenging situation, God used Joseph to help save the Israelite people from starvation.
Plenty of fun ways to help kids connect with this story include constructing their family trees, doing relay races, or designing their own colorful coal. Be sure to check out Joseph and his Brothers for more ideas.
even more bible for kids…
These lessons about Genesis are also included in the 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
Genesis has many exciting stories that kids love to hear. Take time to explore these stories with kids and enjoy watching these stories come to life.