Teaching the Bible story of Jesus walking on water is a powerful way to inspire kids with a lesson on faith, courage, and trust in God. This blog provides everything you need to make this miraculous story come to life, including kid-friendly videos, creative crafts, activities, and easy-to-follow printable lessons. Perfect for Sunday school teachers, faith-based schools, and homeschoolers, these resources will help children understand the deeper meaning of Jesus’ miracle in a fun, interactive, and memorable way.
The bible Story- jesus walks on water
The story of Jesus walking on water is recorded in Matthew 14:22–33, Mark 6:45–52, and John 6:16–21. Jesus’ disciples were in a boat when a storm came, and they were afraid. Hours later, Jesus walked to them on the water! The disciples thought it was a ghost and were terrified! But Jesus told them to “Take courage!
Peter realized it was Jesus and asked Jesus to call him onto the water. Peter stepped onto the water, but then he started to sink because he was afraid. Jesus rescued Peter from the waves and the storm died down. The disciples worshiped Jesus, saying “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33 NIV).
Background Information About the bible story
The Sea of Galilee is Israel’s largest freshwater lake. Today, it is called Lake Tiberias. The Sea of Galilee was known for its storms. These storms would come on quickly and intensely because cold air would come down the mountains and mix with the warm air by the Sea of Galilee. This would cause strong winds, which made large waves.
Jesus Walks on Water Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Bible story about Jesus walking on water? Grab the scripted lesson, discussion questions, and simple craft.
Spinner Crafts for Bigger Kids
Kids often love retelling Bible stories to siblings, friends, and family. Using the pieces provided in the lesson Jesus Walks on Water, kids will create a simple spinner that shows the five main parts of the story.
In the printable lesson, there are a few craft templates to choose from. You can choose to have your class complete a blank version and draw their own pictures or assemble the completed version. It just depends on how much time you have!
When kids are done with their spinners, divide them into pairs or small groups. Help them to practice telling the story of the miracle to their group/partner.
Scene of the Storm Craft for Preschool
Crafts are a great way to help students to understand the main points of a story. In this Jesus Walks on Water for Preschool kids will recreate the scene of Jesus walking on water by coloring, cutting, and gluing pieces onto a water scene. It’s an easy printable craft that takes almost no time to prepare - perfect if you’re a volunteer teacher on Sunday morning.
While kids complete their craft, talk about the miracle you just learned about. Ask, what do you think it would feel like to walk on water? Can you walk on water? What makes this event such a miracle?
more Crafts and Activities to go with the story
Sink or Float: Fill a large clear tub with water. Then create a simple experiment to see which classroom objects float and which sink. Have kids guess which items will float vs. sink.
Make Oobleck: Oobleck is a fascinating substance that isn’t solid or liquid. When you move it around quickly, it takes on the properties of a solid and when you move it around slowly, it takes on the properties of a liquid. Making Oobleck with your group of kids might be an awesome way to recreate the story. Kids can “walk” on the Oobleck by stepping in a tub filled with it, or they can press their hands into the substance to see how it resists the pressure. Check out the Best Ideas for Kids for an Oobleck recipe.
Footprint Craft: Peter stepped out of the boat in faith. Do a simple footprint craft to remind kids of the importance of stepping out in faith with Jesus. Using washable paint do a paint footprint on a piece of paper and write a Bible verse about trusting the Lord underneath. Or have kids trace their footprint on the piece of paper.
YouTube Videos - Jesus Walks on Water
Watching a video is a great way to bring the story to life and can help excite kids about the Bible story they’re learning about. Take a peek at some of our favorite videos that tell the story of Jesus walking on water.
Saddleback Kids has two versions of this story: Jesus Walks on Water focuses more on Jesus and the miracle, and Peter Walks on Water focuses more on Peter stepping out in faith. Both are great retellings of the story; they just have slightly different emphases.
For another story emphasizing Peter taking a step of faith, check out God’s Story: Peter Walks on Water by Crossroads Kids’ Club.
Crossroads Kids’ Club also has a catchy song entitled Jesus Walks on Water
Want More Miracles of Jesus Lessons?
Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus.
These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
Jesus Walks on Water teaches about Jesus’ incredible power and also the power of faith in Jesus. These activities and crafts will help connect kids with the story as they are inspired to walk in faith and know that Jesus is always with them.