The Shepherds and Angels - Christmas Bible Lessons for Kids
The Christmas Bible story of the Shepherds and Angels is a joyful story that helps get kids excited about the Christmas season. This story highlights the angelic announcement to the shepherds and their journey to meet the newborn Savior, making it perfect for keeping younger kids engaged. There are plenty of creative ideas for kid-friendly videos, fun crafts, interactive worksheets, and easy-to-follow lesson plans that bring this story to life.
The Story of the shepherds and the angels
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests”. These famous words are sung in various forms in Christmas songs during the holiday season and come from the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds.
Luke 2:8-20 tells the story of the Shepherds and Angels. The shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem, watching their flocks at night. Suddenly, a heavenly host of angels appeared to them. They told the shepherds of the arrival of the newborn Jesus. The shepherds immediately went to find Jesus and spread the word about him.
The Shepherds and Angels Bible Lessons
Are you looking for an easy way to teach about the Angel’s Visit to Shepherds? Grab a scripted lesson and printable craft perfect for 3-8-year-olds.
Background Information About The Shepherds
Shepherds were considered among the lowest people in society. Given that culture was based on status, this meant that most people looked down on shepherds. Yet, despite this, God chose the shepherds to be the first people to hear about Jesus. This is a beautiful reminder that God doesn’t care what society says about people. God thinks everyone is important!
Printable Crafts: The Shepherds and Angels
For a simple way to teach this Christmas Bible story, use our print-and-go lessons about the angels and shepherds. These engaging lessons need almost no preparation and include a scripted lesson plan, a printable craft or activity, and a take-home worksheet to keep caregivers in the loop.
Pasture Scene Christmas Craft for Preschool
This printable Stars in the Sky craft is perfect for preschool. Kids will cut and paste the shepherds and angels onto the background. Then use stickers to decorate the night sky above the shepherds and their sheep.
Sheep Craft for Older Kids
Your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders will love this sheep made from folding paper like a fan. Using the template pieces provided in the bigger kids Bible lesson, kids will assemble a little sheep by accordion-folding a strip of paper and affixing the head and tail pieces to either end of the folded paper.
More Shepherd, Sheep, and Angel Crafts
Be sure to check out my blog post “Gabriel and Mary - The Christmas Story” for several fabulous angel craft ideas, including a hand-print angel.
Trueway Kids has a cute shepherd craft, with an accompanying YouTube instructions video.
For a more involved, probably multi-day craft, check out this Christmas story craft idea from Let Their Light Shine.
Reading about the Nativity
Reading about the Symbols of the Nativity Story might help older kids make connections and form a deeper understanding of the story. This lesson includes reading from the Bible, comprehension questions, and a final craft to tie it all together.
YouTube videos about the shepherds and angels
Saddleback Kids has a short video about Jesus and the Shepherds.
Crossroads Kids’ Club has a great video describing how Jesus’ birth is part of God’s great story. It dives into the Old Testament with information about sin entering the world and how Jesus was part of God’s plan to fight sin. This video also includes an angel appearing to Mary, an angel appearing to Joseph, and the heavenly host appearing to shepherds.
Crossroad Kids’ Club lands it again with another great video called Storytellers: Shepherds and Baby Jesus. This video describes why shepherds were so important, even though many people looked down on them.
For a 30-minute show of the whole Nativity story, check out The Beginner’s Bible “The Nativity”.
Want to continue the series? This lesson is part of a four-lesson set designed to be taught in the weeks before Christmas.
The shepherds were the first people to meet Jesus and worship him. This is a wonderful story to invite students into worshiping Jesus too. Whether in Sunday School, in a faith-based school, or at home, there are plenty of ways to engage students in the Nativity story.