Jesus Calms the Storm - Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for engaging ways to teach kids about the story of Jesus Calms the Storm? This miraculous Bible story is a perfect lesson on trust, courage, and Jesus’ power. In this blog, we’ll explore creative ways to bring this story to life with fun craft and activity ideas, lesson plans, and educational videos that make learning meaningful and memorable. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, work in a faith-based school, a homeschooling parent, or looking for ways to share the story at home, these activities will help kids connect with the message and grow in faith.
The bible Story
Jesus Calms the Storm can be found in Matthew 8:23–27, Mark 4:35–41, and Luke 8:22–25. In this story, Jesus and His disciples boarded a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Jesus fell asleep and a storm raged around the small boat. Jesus’ disciples woke Him, terrified. Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves, and said to His disciples, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” The disciples were amazed!
Background Information About Jesus Calming the Storm
The Sea of Galilee is Israel’s largest freshwater lake. Even though it is a lake, it is called a “Sea”. Today, it is called Lake Tiberias. The Sea of Galilee was known for its storms. These storms would come on quickly and intensely because cold air would come down the mountains and mix with the warm air by the Sea of Galilee. This would cause strong winds, which made large waves. This particular storm even made the professional fishermen on the boat afraid!
Grab the Bible Lessons for Jesus Calms the Storm
Are you looking for an easy way to teach Jesus Calms the Storm? Check out the scripted lesson and printable craft that is perfect for kids aged 3-8 years old.
Story Spinner Craft for Preschool
Your preschool-aged kids will love this spinner craft. Using the template pieces provided in “Jesus Calms the Storm for Preschool” have kids color and assemble the spinner.
When kids are done creating their spinner, help them retell the story using the four spinning pictures. Try telling the story to a classmate.
Then, throughout the week, they can retell the story to their friends and family at home!
Paper Boat Activity for Bigger Kids
Bigger kids will enjoy the paper boat challenge outlined in the Bible lesson “Jesus Calms the Storm for Bigger Kids”. Teach kids how to fold a simple paper boat. Then, challenge them to see if their boat can withstand waves when placed in a bin full of water. Have kids blow through straws to recreate the wind.
After creating your boats, it’s a great time to use the discussion questions provided in the lesson plan. Help your students to understand how this miracle shows us that God is in control of everything on the earth.
More Activities and Crafts to Teach Jesus Calms the Storm
Jesus Calms the Storm Sensory Bins: Gather a variety of materials like water beads, rice, kinetic sand, boats, scoopers, etc. Then, let the kids play and retell the story.
Storms in a Bottle: Use a funnel and have kids put sand and water into their bottles. Then use a small piece of sponge to represent the boat and have kids place that in their bottles. Kids can shake the bottles to recreate the storm. For step-by-step instructions, check out
Parachute Games: There are several parachute games that you could play with kids to recreate the turbulence felt by the small boat on the sea. Have kids flap the parachute up and down. Then, throw balls into the center of the parachute. Challenge kids to get all the balls off the parachute. Or have students take turns sitting under the parachute as it is flapping around so they can see the chaos of the parachute.
YouTube Videos About Jesus Calming the Storm
There are many great YouTube videos to teach kids the miracle of Jesus calming the storm. But, as always, pre-watch the videos to ensure they are theologically accurate. Some video creators add sea monsters or silly storm elements that tend to take away from the story. Here are some simple videos that don’t add these extra elements:
Minno-Bible Stories for Kids: The Story of Jesus Calming the Storm is a short video that accurately depicts the story and emphasizes that we have nothing to fear because Jesus is the King of EVERYTHING
Jesus Calms the Storm by Saddleback Kids is another good short video of the story.
Also, check out LifeKids’ Jesus Calms the Storm.
Want More Miracles of Jesus Lessons?
Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus.
These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
No matter how big and scary a situation might seem, God is always in control. The story of Jesus Calms the Storm is a great reminder for kids (and us) that God is with us. And there are plenty of ways to teach this story to make it engaging for kids.