Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish - Bible Lessons for Kids
A Miraculous Catch of Fish is a great Bible story for teaching kids the power of faith and obedience to Jesus. This exciting story, where Jesus guides His soon-to-be disciples to an overflowing catch, is perfect for engaging young minds with its message of trust and following God's direction. In this blog post, you’ll find creative teaching ideas, fun crafts and activities, and simple lesson plans. Ideal for Sunday school, faith-based schools, or home teaching, these resources help children memorably connect with the story.
the story of the miraculous catch of fish
It is important to note that there are two different Miraculous Catch of Fish stories. The first happens near the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and is recorded in Luke 5. The second miraculous catch happens after Jesus’ Resurrection and is recorded in John 21.
In the first miraculous catch story (in Luke 5), Jesus approaches fishermen who had spent a long night fishing to no avail. Jesus tells them to cast their nets on the other side. When they listen, their nets are overflowing with fish. Simon, Andrew, James, and John leave their nets and follow Jesus. They become some of His 12 disciples.
biblical Background Information
This story takes place in the Sea of Galilee. This was a clear freshwater lake. Fishing in a clear lake during the day is tricky because the fish can see the nets, so night is the best time to fish. Simon and Andrew (brothers), and James and John (brothers) would have been finished fishing by the morning when Jesus approached them.
Some fishermen might have thought Jesus was crazy for suggesting they cast their nets into deeper water – after all, Jesus wasn’t a fisherman! But Simon had faith in Jesus and did what He said. In the end, two boats were filled with fish. There were so many fish that the boats were almost sinking! That is a lot of fish, worth a lot of money.
Grab the Miraculous Catch of Fish Lessons
Are you looking for an easy way to teach about Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish? Check out the scripted lesson and printable craft perfect for 3-8-year-olds.
Fill the net - an activity for preschool
Explore the story of this miracle while kids complete a simple craft! In this craft, kids will add fish onto a printable net. This could be fish stickers, drawings, or a cut and glue fish tpicture. An easy print-and-go version of this craft is included in Miraculous Catch of Fish for Preschool.
While kids are gluing the fish onto their nets, it’s the perfect time to talk about miracles! What is a miracle? What makes this story so miraculous? What do you think the disciples were thinking as their nets suddenly overflowed with fish?
Make a Net activity for older kids
Take the lesson a step further with classes of older kids. In this fishing/net activity, kids will create their own net using yarn/string, scissors, and tape that can carry a heavy load. Then, show them a heavy object (like a rock) and challenge them to make a net strong enough to carry it. For more instructions and a planning sheet, check out A Miraculous Catch of Fish.
This Bible lesson for older kids also includes a printable craft - it’s perfect for classes that may not want to complete the string/rock activity mentioned above.
more bible crafts and activities for kids
Simon Says: The disciples obeyed Jesus’ instructions and were rewarded! Play a game of ‘Simon Says’ to help kids practice quickly obeying instructions.
Catch the Fish: Print out pictures of fish and attach paper clips to each one. Make fishing rods by using poles or long sticks. Attach a string to the stick and attach a paperclip to the other end of the string. Open the clip slightly to form a hook shape. Then, have kids use the fishing rods to try and hook the fish onto their rods.
Paper Plate Mobile: Check out this cute paper plate mobile by Tot School Resources.
Fish Basketball: Crumble up pieces of paper or use small balls. Place a basket in the middle of the room. Have kids try to throw all the balls or crumbled paper into the basket. The balls or crumbled paper represent the fish, and the basket represents the net.
Paper Fish Craft: Check out this instructional video on how to make a Simple Paper Fish Craft for Kids.
Moving Paper Fish Craft: Check out Hello Wonderful’s Moving Paper Fish, for another fun fish craft.
YouTube Videos about the miraculous catch
Try introducing the Bible story using a video version! Here are some of the ones we love…
Saddleback Kids’ Jesus Calls Peter gives a good overview of the story.
Check out Crossroads Kids’ Club God’s Story: Peter Fishes for Men. This video depicts the miraculous catch of fish and also goes into depth about Peter and how he helped point people to Jesus.
The Miracle of the Fish from The Chosen is a scene from the show that depicts the moment of this event.
Want More miracles of Jesus lessons?
Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus.
These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
The Miraculous Catch of Fish is an important story about obedience to Jesus and His miraculous power over nature. There are plenty of activities to help engage students in the story.