Teaching the Christmas Story to kids can be so much fun! It may even be the most wonderful time of the year! This round-up blog is filled with creative ideas to bring the stories of Gabriel’s visit to Mary, Jesus' birth, the shepherds and angels, and the wise men to life. From kid-friendly videos and crafts to activities and easy-to-follow lesson plans, you'll find everything you need to make teaching the Christmas story fun, meaningful, and memorable. Whether you're teaching in Sunday school, at a faith-based school, or home, these ideas will help children connect with the true meaning of Christmas.
What is the Christmas story in the Bible?
The Christmas Story tells the events of Jesus’ birth. It begins with a long-held prophecy of His arrival and then explains His miraculous conception and humble birth in a stable. It also describes those who came to worship Him after His arrival.
In the Bible, the birth of Jesus fulfills many prophecies throughout scripture.
This story is sometimes known as the Nativity Story. The word “Nativity” means “birth.” It refers to the circumstances surrounding a person’s birth. Most commonly, people use the word ‘nativity’ to describe the birth of Jesus.
Four print-and-go lessons that make it EASY to teach the Christmas Story.
Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach the nativity story to children in preschool through third grades.
Gabriel Visits Mary
For many people, Gabriel’s visit to Mary is the grand beginning of the Nativity story. This is the point where Mary learns that she is pregnant, and sets the story of the nativity in motion. This blog has plenty of engaging activities to help students learn this story, including reading comprehension passages, YouTube videos, and angel crafts.
Jesus is Born in Bethlehem
The birth of Jesus is the main event of the Nativity - the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. Don’t forget to talk about how Jesus wasn’t actually born in a barn, as is often depicted in Christmas stories. The Jesus is Born blog gives some great background information about Jesus’ birth. There are also many great crafts to engage kids in this story. Check out these Nativity Bible Lessons for Kids for ideas, including a traced-hand manger scene.
The Angels Visit Shepherds
Do you know why it was so significant that Jesus’ arrival was announced to shepherds first? The Shepherds and Angels blog breaks down some culturally significant background information for this story. It also has great crafts ideas and videos to accompany your lesson.
The Wise Men Visit
The story of the wise men concludes the Christmas story. When teaching about the wise men, don’t forget to tell the kids, that even though there is a Christmas song called “We Three Kings”, there might not have been three wise men. The wise men blog breaks this number down, and explains why we commonly think there were only three of them. It also has great kid-friendly ideas for teaching this nativity Bible story.
Regardless of the emphasis many put on Santa Claus, Christmas presents, and Christmas trees, the Nativity story is the central story of Christmas. Take time to teach your kids this story; they will remember it their whole lives. There are so many great activities that can make the Nativity engaging for preschool and elementary-aged kids.