Discover creative and engaging ways to teach kids about the powerful story of Jesus healing a blind man! This blog post contains age-appropriate activities, videos, crafts, and printable lesson plans that bring this miraculous Bible story to life. These resources are designed to help children understand Jesus' love and compassion. Perfect for Sunday school, homeschooling, or family Bible study, these ideas will help children connect with the lesson in a memorable and meaningful way.
The bible Story
John 9:1-12 tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Jesus’ disciples asked Him who had sinned to cause the man’s blindness. Jesus replied that it wasn’t sin that caused the blindness, but it was so ‘the works of God might be displayed in him’ (John 9:3 NIV). Then Jesus spit in the dirt to make mud. He put the mud on the man’s eyes and told him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man was healed!
Some people (including the religious leaders) were quite upset with this miracle because Jesus healed on the Sabbath - a day meant for no work.
Background Information for Jesus Heals a Blind Man
In Bible times, many people believed that sickness and disabilities were the result of sin. If a child was born sick or with a disability, people assumed the parents had sinned terribly. But this belief is false and doesn’t fit with what we know of our loving God. Jesus said the man was blind so God’s glory could be displayed.
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind Bible Lessons
Are you ready to lead a Bible lesson on Jesus healing a man born blind? Click to grab our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable crafts.
Popsicle Stick Puppet for Preschool
This printable puppet craft pairs nicely with a discussion on the miracle. How would it feel to be blind? What would it be like to move through the world? (This is a great time to try blindfolding your kids and give them a simple task, like putting a ball in a basket). What would it feel like to suddenly have sight again?
Then, create a simple popsicle stick puppet that depicts the man before he was healed and after he was healed. The template pieces are provided in the Bible lesson Jesus Heals a Blind Man for Preschool
bible story comic for Bigger Kids
Older kids will enjoy creating a simple comic strip of the events in the story. Brainstorm the different parts of the story and any important phrases. Then, give kids time to create their comic strips. For comic strip templates (including a template where the pictures are already drawn, and a template where words are already written in the speech bubbles), check out the Bible lesson Jesus Heals a Blind Man for Bigger Kids
More bible Activities and Crafts
Blind Obstacle Courses: Create simple obstacle courses that kids must navigate while blindfolded. Obstacles might include cones to weave in and out of, a table to crawl under, and pool noodles to step over. Kids can take turns leading each other through the obstacle course.
Water Relays: Since the man had to wash in water after Jesus put mud on his eyes, doing water relays is a great connection activity. Check out The Barefoot Homeschooling Mom for some water relay suggestions.
Make a Blindfold: Give students a strip of cloth. Then, give them various materials, like markers and glitter glue, and let them decorate their blindfolds.
Guess That Sound: Have kids close their eyes and challenge them to listen carefully as you play various sounds. Then, they have to guess the sound. You can find sound recordings on your phone or use this Guess That Sound video.
YouTube Videos for Jesus heals a man born blind
Be careful when selecting a YouTube video for this story. The Bible has several stories of Jesus healing blind people, and many YouTube videos depict different healing stories.
Here are a couple depicting the healing of a man born blind, they make a great addition to any lesson about this story.
Saddleback Kids: Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind walks through the whole story, including the Pharisees’ interrogation of the healed man.
Check out Bible Stories for Toddlers by Saddleback Kids for a more simplistic version of the story.
Want More Miracles of Jesus Lessons?
Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus.
These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.
The story of Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind is a great reminder that Jesus loves everyone, and everyone is worthy of love and compassion. There are plenty of activities and crafts to help kids engage with the learning and make it more memorable.