Posts in bible
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind - Bible Lessons for Kids

Discover creative and engaging ways to teach kids about the powerful story of Jesus healing a blind man! This blog post contains age-appropriate activities, videos, crafts, and printable lesson plans that bring this miraculous Bible story to life. These resources are designed to help children understand Jesus' love and compassion. Perfect for Sunday school, homeschooling, or family Bible study, these ideas will help children connect with the lesson in a memorable and meaningful way.

The bible Story

John 9:1-12 tells the story of Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Jesus’ disciples asked Him who had sinned to cause the man’s blindness. Jesus replied that it wasn’t sin that caused the blindness, but it was so ‘the works of God might be displayed in him’ (John 9:3 NIV). Then Jesus spit in the dirt to make mud. He put the mud on the man’s eyes and told him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man was healed!

Some people (including the religious leaders) were quite upset with this miracle because Jesus healed on the Sabbath - a day meant for no work. 

Background Information for Jesus Heals a Blind Man

In Bible times, many people believed that sickness and disabilities were the result of sin. If a child was born sick or with a disability, people assumed the parents had sinned terribly. But this belief is false and doesn’t fit with what we know of our loving God. Jesus said the man was blind so God’s glory could be displayed. 

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind Bible Lessons

Are you ready to lead a Bible lesson on Jesus healing a man born blind? Click to grab our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable crafts.

(Shop the preschool/kindergarten version HERE!)

Popsicle Stick Puppet for Preschool 

This printable puppet craft pairs nicely with a discussion on the miracle. How would it feel to be blind? What would it be like to move through the world? (This is a great time to try blindfolding your kids and give them a simple task, like putting a ball in a basket). What would it feel like to suddenly have sight again?

Then, create a simple popsicle stick puppet that depicts the man before he was healed and after he was healed. The template pieces are provided in the Bible lesson Jesus Heals a Blind Man for Preschool

bible story comic for Bigger Kids

Older kids will enjoy creating a simple comic strip of the events in the story. Brainstorm the different parts of the story and any important phrases. Then, give kids time to create their comic strips. For comic strip templates (including a template where the pictures are already drawn, and a template where words are already written in the speech bubbles), check out the Bible lesson Jesus Heals a Blind Man for Bigger Kids

More bible Activities and Crafts

  • Blind Obstacle Courses: Create simple obstacle courses that kids must navigate while blindfolded. Obstacles might include cones to weave in and out of,  a table to crawl under, and pool noodles to step over. Kids can take turns leading each other through the obstacle course.

  • Water Relays: Since the man had to wash in water after Jesus put mud on his eyes, doing water relays is a great connection activity. Check out The Barefoot Homeschooling Mom for some water relay suggestions.

  • Make a Blindfold: Give students a strip of cloth. Then, give them various materials, like markers and glitter glue, and let them decorate their blindfolds.

  • Guess That Sound: Have kids close their eyes and challenge them to listen carefully as you play various sounds. Then, they have to guess the sound. You can find sound recordings on your phone or use this Guess That Sound video.

YouTube Videos for Jesus heals a man born blind

Be careful when selecting a YouTube video for this story. The Bible has several stories of Jesus healing blind people, and many YouTube videos depict different healing stories. 

Here are a couple depicting the healing of a man born blind, they make a great addition to any lesson about this story.

Want More Miracles of Jesus Lessons?

Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus. 

These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

The story of Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind is a great reminder that Jesus loves everyone, and everyone is worthy of love and compassion. There are plenty of activities and crafts to help kids engage with the learning and make it more memorable.

Jesus Calms the Storm - Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for engaging ways to teach kids about the story of Jesus Calms the Storm? This miraculous Bible story is a perfect lesson on trust, courage, and Jesus’ power. In this blog, we’ll explore creative ways to bring this story to life with fun craft and activity ideas, lesson plans, and educational videos that make learning meaningful and memorable. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, work in a faith-based school, a homeschooling parent, or looking for ways to share the story at home, these activities will help kids connect with the message and grow in faith.

The bible Story

Jesus Calms the Storm can be found in Matthew 8:23–27, Mark 4:35–41, and Luke 8:22–25. In this story, Jesus and His disciples boarded a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Jesus fell asleep and a storm raged around the small boat. Jesus’ disciples woke Him, terrified. Jesus rebuked the wind and the waves, and said to His disciples, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” The disciples were amazed!

Background Information About Jesus Calming the Storm

The Sea of Galilee is Israel’s largest freshwater lake. Even though it is a lake, it is called a “Sea”. Today, it is called Lake Tiberias. The Sea of Galilee was known for its storms. These storms would come on quickly and intensely because cold air would come down the mountains and mix with the warm air by the Sea of Galilee. This would cause strong winds, which made large waves. This particular storm even made the professional fishermen on the boat afraid!

Grab the Bible Lessons for Jesus Calms the Storm

Are you looking for an easy way to teach Jesus Calms the Storm? Check out the scripted lesson and printable craft that is perfect for kids aged 3-8 years old.

(Check out the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade version HERE!).

Story Spinner Craft for Preschool

Your preschool-aged kids will love this spinner craft. Using the template pieces provided in “Jesus Calms the Storm for Preschool” have kids color and assemble the spinner. 

When kids are done creating their spinner, help them retell the story using the four spinning pictures. Try telling the story to a classmate.

Then, throughout the week, they can retell the story to their friends and family at home!

Paper Boat Activity for Bigger Kids

Bigger kids will enjoy the paper boat challenge outlined in the Bible lesson “Jesus Calms the Storm for Bigger Kids”. Teach kids how to fold a simple paper boat. Then, challenge them to see if their boat can withstand waves when placed in a bin full of water. Have kids blow through straws to recreate the wind.

After creating your boats, it’s a great time to use the discussion questions provided in the lesson plan. Help your students to understand how this miracle shows us that God is in control of everything on the earth.

More Activities and Crafts to Teach Jesus Calms the Storm

  • Jesus Calms the Storm Sensory Bins: Gather a variety of materials like water beads, rice, kinetic sand, boats, scoopers, etc. Then, let the kids play and retell the story. 

  • Storms in a Bottle:  Use a funnel and have kids put sand and water into their bottles. Then use a small piece of sponge to represent the boat and have kids place that in their bottles. Kids can shake the bottles to recreate the storm. For step-by-step instructions, check out

  • Parachute Games: There are several parachute games that you could play with kids to recreate the turbulence felt by the small boat on the sea. Have kids flap the parachute up and down. Then, throw balls into the center of the parachute. Challenge kids to get all the balls off the parachute. Or have students take turns sitting under the parachute as it is flapping around so they can see the chaos of the parachute.

YouTube Videos About Jesus Calming the Storm

There are many great YouTube videos to teach kids the miracle of Jesus calming the storm. But, as always, pre-watch the videos to ensure they are theologically accurate. Some video creators add sea monsters or silly storm elements that tend to take away from the story. Here are some simple videos that don’t add these extra elements:

Want More Miracles of Jesus Lessons?

Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus. 

These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

No matter how big and scary a situation might seem, God is always in control. The story of Jesus Calms the Storm is a great reminder for kids (and us) that God is with us. And there are plenty of ways to teach this story to make it engaging for kids.

Jesus Feeds the 5000 - Bible Lessons for Kids

Teaching the story of Jesus Feeds the 5,000 is a wonderful way to introduce kids to the themes of compassion, faith, and miracles. This miraculous event, where Jesus used five loaves and two fish to feed a crowd, is full of lessons that young minds can easily connect with and understand. In this blog, we'll explore creative ways to bring this Bible story to life for kids through crafts, activities, videos, and printable lesson plans. Whether you're a parent, teacher, or children's ministry leader, these resources will help make the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 a memorable and impactful experience for every child.

Text: Jesus Feeds the 5,000 a bible lesson for preschool to 3rd grades. Image: a printable craft of fish and bread in a basket.

The Story - Jesus feeds the 5,000

This is the only miracle of Jesus told in all four gospels. It can be found in Matthew 14:13–21, Mark 6:31–44, Luke 9:12–17, and John 6:1–14.

After Jesus found out his cousin, John the Baptist, had been beheaded, he withdrew to a quiet place to be alone. A crowd followed him, so Jesus started to teach and heal people. After some time, Jesus asked his disciples to feed the people. They didn’t have enough food to feed everyone, but a boy offered to share his five loaves and two fish. Jesus did a great miracle and fed the multitudes by dividing the five loaves and two fish! Everyone ate enough and there were 12 baskets of food left over!

Background Information for Jesus feeds 5000

This story is often called the Feeding of the 5000, but this number only counts the men! If you counted the women and children, the number of people would have been much larger!

The Gospel of John is the only one that gives credit to the boy for sharing his loaves and fish with Jesus. The other gospels don’t mention the boy, but John saw this detail as important, so he included it.

Grab the lessons on Jesus Feeds the 5000

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Bible story Jesus Feeds the 5000? Check out the scripted lesson and printable craft perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version HERE!)

loaves and fish craft for preschool

Explore the story further with a simple printable craft. In this craft, little Sunday School students can create a basket of bread and fish. This activity can help to remind them that Jesus cares for all of their needs, even their hungry tummies! The printable craft pieces are available in the preschool Bible lesson, Jesus Feeds the 5000.

While your kids are coloring and gluing their crafts, it’s a great time to discuss the story. Ask your kids: have you ever had to wait a long time while you were hungry? What do you think it would have felt like to be listening to Jesus with a growling tummy? How would you feel when the food finally arrived?

Take time to pray and thank God for providing for our needs.

basket weaving activity for older kids

Take it a step further with a class of older kids and weave the basket yourself! There are many different basket-weaving techniques with strips of paper. Google and YouTube have some great options. But for an easy, print-and-go version, check out the lesson Jesus Feeds the 5000 for kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. The complete lesson plan includes printable discussion questions that would be great to use as kids weave their paper baskets.

more bible Activities and Crafts

The following activities would work well for both preschool-age and older kids:

  • Share Bread: Share a loaf of bread with your class. Ask kids to rip the bread so that it is enough for everyone to have for lunch. The activity will show that five loaves can’t feed thousands of people. This will help kids to marvel at the miracle Jesus did.

  • Paper Plate Basket: Get interactive and have kids try making a basket from paper plates. Check out the Meaningful Mama blog for step-by-step instructions.

  • Bread in a Bag: If you have access to an oven, try baking bread with kids by following the instructions in the Busy Toddler: Bread in a Bag blog post. You could make bread as a whole class and have kids each participate in the various steps, or you could have kids make individual loaves of bread.

  • Art Mural: Put down a long piece of butcher paper. Designate one student to draw Jesus in the center of the paper. Have the rest of the kids work together to draw as many people as they can. Can they draw 5000? This will help kids to visualize how many people Jesus fed.

YouTube videos for Jesus feeds 5000

Here are a few videos that share the story of Jesus Feeding the 5,000 in an animate and kid-friendly form.


Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus. 

These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

Engaging kids with hands-on activities and crafts is a meaningful way to bring the story of Jesus Feeds the 5000 to life.

Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish - Bible Lessons for Kids

A Miraculous Catch of Fish is a great Bible story for teaching kids the power of faith and obedience to Jesus. This exciting story, where Jesus guides His soon-to-be disciples to an overflowing catch, is perfect for engaging young minds with its message of trust and following God's direction. In this blog post, you’ll find creative teaching ideas, fun crafts and activities, and simple lesson plans. Ideal for Sunday school, faith-based schools, or home teaching, these resources help children memorably connect with the story.

Text: The miraculous catch of fish, a bible lesson on a miracle of Jesus for preschool to third grade. Image: a craft showing fish in a net.

the story of the miraculous catch of fish

It is important to note that there are two different Miraculous Catch of Fish stories. The first happens near the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and is recorded in Luke 5. The second miraculous catch happens after Jesus’ Resurrection and is recorded in John 21. 

In the first miraculous catch story (in Luke 5), Jesus approaches fishermen who had spent a long night fishing to no avail. Jesus tells them to cast their nets on the other side. When they listen, their nets are overflowing with fish. Simon, Andrew, James, and John leave their nets and follow Jesus. They become some of His 12 disciples. 

biblical Background Information

This story takes place in the Sea of Galilee. This was a clear freshwater lake. Fishing in a clear lake during the day is tricky because the fish can see the nets, so night is the best time to fish. Simon and Andrew (brothers), and James and John (brothers) would have been finished fishing by the morning when Jesus approached them. 

Some fishermen might have thought Jesus was crazy for suggesting they cast their nets into deeper water – after all, Jesus wasn’t a fisherman! But Simon had faith in Jesus and did what He said. In the end, two boats were filled with fish. There were so many fish that the boats were almost sinking! That is a lot of fish, worth a lot of money. 

Grab the Miraculous Catch of Fish Lessons

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish? Check out the scripted lesson and printable craft perfect for 3-8-year-olds.

(See the Preschool/Kindergarten Version HERE!)

Fill the net - an activity for preschool

This printable ‘Fill the Net’ craft is perfect for preschoolers.

Explore the story of this miracle while kids complete a simple craft! In this craft, kids will add fish onto a printable net. This could be fish stickers, drawings, or a cut and glue fish tpicture. An easy print-and-go version of this craft is included in Miraculous Catch of Fish for Preschool.

While kids are gluing the fish onto their nets, it’s the perfect time to talk about miracles! What is a miracle? What makes this story so miraculous? What do you think the disciples were thinking as their nets suddenly overflowed with fish?

Make a Net activity for older kids

Engage your older kids with a creative challenge!

Take the lesson a step further with classes of older kids. In this fishing/net activity, kids will create their own net using yarn/string, scissors, and tape that can carry a heavy load. Then, show them a heavy object (like a rock) and challenge them to make a net strong enough to carry it. For more instructions and a planning sheet, check out A Miraculous Catch of Fish.

This Bible lesson for older kids also includes a printable craft - it’s perfect for classes that may not want to complete the string/rock activity mentioned above.

more bible crafts and activities for kids

  • Simon Says: The disciples obeyed Jesus’ instructions and were rewarded! Play a game of ‘Simon Says’ to help kids practice quickly obeying instructions.

  • Catch the Fish: Print out pictures of fish and attach paper clips to each one. Make fishing rods by using poles or long sticks. Attach a string to the stick and attach a paperclip to the other end of the string. Open the clip slightly to form a hook shape. Then, have kids use the fishing rods to try and hook the fish onto their rods. 

  • Paper Plate Mobile: Check out this cute paper plate mobile by Tot School Resources

  • Fish Basketball: Crumble up pieces of paper or use small balls. Place a basket in the middle of the room. Have kids try to throw all the balls or crumbled paper into the basket. The balls or crumbled paper represent the fish, and the basket represents the net.

  • Paper Fish Craft: Check out this instructional video on how to make a Simple Paper Fish Craft for Kids.

  • Moving Paper Fish Craft: Check out Hello Wonderful’s Moving Paper Fish, for another fun fish craft.

YouTube Videos about the miraculous catch

Try introducing the Bible story using a video version! Here are some of the ones we love…

Want More miracles of Jesus lessons?

Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus. 

These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

The Miraculous Catch of Fish is an important story about obedience to Jesus and His miraculous power over nature. There are plenty of activities to help engage students in the story. 

The Christmas Story - Bible Lessons for Kids

Teaching the Christmas Story to kids can be so much fun! It may even be the most wonderful time of the year! This round-up blog is filled with creative ideas to bring the stories of Gabriel’s visit to Mary, Jesus' birth, the shepherds and angels, and the wise men to life. From kid-friendly videos and crafts to activities and easy-to-follow lesson plans, you'll find everything you need to make teaching the Christmas story fun, meaningful, and memorable. Whether you're teaching in Sunday school, at a faith-based school, or home, these ideas will help children connect with the true meaning of Christmas.

What is the Christmas story in the Bible?

The Christmas Story tells the events of Jesus’ birth. It begins with a long-held prophecy of His arrival and then explains His miraculous conception and humble birth in a stable. It also describes those who came to worship Him after His arrival.

In the Bible, the birth of Jesus fulfills many prophecies throughout scripture.

This story is sometimes known as the Nativity Story. The word “Nativity” means “birth.” It refers to the circumstances surrounding a person’s birth. Most commonly, people use the word ‘nativity’ to describe the birth of Jesus. 

Four print-and-go lessons that make it EASY to teach the Christmas Story.

Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach the nativity story to children in preschool through third grades.

(Find the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version HERE.)

Gabriel Visits Mary

For many people, Gabriel’s visit to Mary is the grand beginning of the Nativity story. This is the point where Mary learns that she is pregnant, and sets the story of the nativity in motion. This blog has plenty of engaging activities to help students learn this story, including reading comprehension passages, YouTube videos, and angel crafts.

Jesus is Born in Bethlehem

The birth of Jesus is the main event of the Nativity - the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. Don’t forget to talk about how Jesus wasn’t actually born in a barn, as is often depicted in Christmas stories. The Jesus is Born blog gives some great background information about Jesus’ birth. There are also many great crafts to engage kids in this story. Check out these Nativity Bible Lessons for Kids for ideas, including a traced-hand manger scene.

The Angels Visit Shepherds

Do you know why it was so significant that Jesus’ arrival was announced to shepherds first? The Shepherds and Angels blog breaks down some culturally significant background information for this story. It also has great crafts ideas and videos to accompany your lesson.

The Wise Men Visit

The story of the wise men concludes the Christmas story. When teaching about the wise men, don’t forget to tell the kids, that even though there is a Christmas song called “We Three Kings”, there might not have been three wise men. The wise men blog breaks this number down, and explains why we commonly think there were only three of them. It also has great kid-friendly ideas for teaching this nativity Bible story.

Regardless of the emphasis many put on Santa Claus, Christmas presents, and Christmas trees, the Nativity story is the central story of Christmas. Take time to teach your kids this story; they will remember it their whole lives. There are so many great activities that can make the Nativity engaging for preschool and elementary-aged kids.

The Wise Men Visit Jesus - Christmas Bible Lessons for Kids

Teaching children about The Wise Men’s Visit to Jesus can be a fun and meaningful way to explore the Christmas story. This Christmas Bible story offers a chance to introduce kids to the journey of the Magi, their gifts, and the significance of their visit in a way that captures their imagination. In this blog, you’ll find ideas for engaging videos, simple crafts, printable worksheets, and easy-to-follow lesson plans. Whether you're a teacher, parent, or children's ministry leader, these ideas are perfect for making the story of the Wise Men accessible and enjoyable for kids.

The Story of the Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-12 tells the story of the Wise Men. Wise men from the East saw a star appear in the sky. Knowing this star meant the arrival of the King of the Jews, they traveled to Jerusalem. They went to King Herod and asked where the new king was.

Herod was troubled by this and asked the chief priests where the Messiah was to be born. They told him that Christ would be born in Bethlehem. Herod sent the wise men to Bethlehem to find the child and send word of the child’s location. 

The wise men found Jesus and presented him with gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But they did not return to Herod because they had been warned in a dream. Herod was furious and had all the baby boys under the age of two in Bethlehem and the surrounding region killed. But God told Joseph in a dream, so they fled to Egypt.

The Story of the Wise Men - Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about the wise men this Christmas? Grab a scripted lesson and printable craft that is perfect for kids aged 3-8.

(Check out the preschool/kindergarten version HERE!)

Background Information about the Wise Men and Star

Many Christmas cards, stories, and Nativity scenes have the wise men arriving while Jesus is still in the manger. However, this isn’t how the Bible describes it. The wise men visited Jesus in a house. It was a while after Jesus was born, so he was probably a toddler.

Stories and songs like “We Three Kings” have led many people to believe there were three wise men who visited Jesus. But again, this is not how the Bible describes it. We don’t know how many wise men there were. The Bible does tell us there were three gifts given to Jesus, and this is where many people assume that there were also three wise men.

Printable Bible Lessons and Crafts - The Wise Men

For an easy way to teach the Christmas story about wise men, use our print-and-go lessons. These engaging lessons need almost no preparation and include a scripted lesson plan, a printable craft or activity, and a take-home worksheet to keep caregivers in the loop.

A Sparkly Star Craft for Preschool

Two printable stars are displayed on a surface. They are covered in liquid glue and sparkles. A paintbrush and glue bottle sits beside the stars.

A sparkly star Christmas craft for preschool and kindergarten. 

A Star in the Sky is the perfect craft for preschool-aged kids. In this printable craft, kids will create a sparkling star using glitter to make the star sparkle. It’s a great way to help little learners get hands-on with the star in our story. The star pointed the wise men towards Jesus. Tell students that when they look at their sparkly star, they can remember Jesus and the big rescue plan God made through His son.

Star Ornament Craft for Bigger Kids

Kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades will love this 3D star ornament that can be hung on their Christmas tree or on their fridge at home. For step-by-step instructions and a star template, check out ‘The Wise Men.’ Just like the wise men used the star to find Jesus, your students can look at the star on their Christmas tree and be reminded of the real reason for the season!

More Wise Men and Star Crafts

Reading about the Nativity

Reading the nativity story directly from the Bible is a great way to help older kids dive deeper. This reading activity looks at eight key symbols from the traditional Christmas story. It includes passages from the Bible, comprehension questions, and a final craft to tie it all together.


For easy printable activities, check out Christmas Morning Work for Kindergarten or these Bible-based Christmas worksheets for older kids.

YouTube videos about the Wise Men


Want to continue the series? This lesson is part of a four-lesson set designed to be taught in the weeks before Christmas. 

The story of the wise men brings a close to the Christmas story, but it’s more of a punctuation mark in the grand story of Jesus. It’s a story of wonder, excitement, danger, and celebration. Enjoy teaching it to your kids!

The Shepherds and Angels - Christmas Bible Lessons for Kids

The Christmas Bible story of the Shepherds and Angels is a joyful story that helps get kids excited about the Christmas season. This story highlights the angelic announcement to the shepherds and their journey to meet the newborn Savior, making it perfect for keeping younger kids engaged. There are plenty of creative ideas for kid-friendly videos, fun crafts, interactive worksheets, and easy-to-follow lesson plans that bring this story to life.

The Story of the shepherds and the angels

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests”. These famous words are sung in various forms in Christmas songs during the holiday season and come from the story of the angels appearing to the shepherds.

Luke 2:8-20 tells the story of the Shepherds and Angels. The shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem, watching their flocks at night. Suddenly, a heavenly host of angels appeared to them. They told the shepherds of the arrival of the newborn Jesus. The shepherds immediately went to find Jesus and spread the word about him.

The Shepherds and Angels Bible Lessons

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about the Angel’s Visit to Shepherds? Grab a scripted lesson and printable craft perfect for 3-8-year-olds.

(See the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Version HERE!)

Background Information About The Shepherds

Shepherds were considered among the lowest people in society. Given that culture was based on status, this meant that most people looked down on shepherds. Yet, despite this, God chose the shepherds to be the first people to hear about Jesus. This is a beautiful reminder that God doesn’t care what society says about people. God thinks everyone is important!

Printable Crafts: The Shepherds and Angels

For a simple way to teach this Christmas Bible story, use our print-and-go lessons about the angels and shepherds.   These engaging lessons need almost no preparation and include a scripted lesson plan, a printable craft or activity, and a take-home worksheet to keep caregivers in the loop.

Pasture Scene Christmas Craft for Preschool

A printable craft of the Christmas story is pictured. Cut and glue sheep, angels, and shepherd and pictured on a background scene.

A printable Christmas craft for preschool and kindergarten. 

This printable Stars in the Sky craft is perfect for preschool. Kids will cut and paste the shepherds and angels onto the background. Then use stickers to decorate the night sky above the shepherds and their sheep.

Sheep Craft for Older Kids

A printable Christmas craft is pictured. This foldable sheep displays the text "Jesus is worthy of worship" Luke 2

A printable Bible craft for kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. 

Your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders will love this sheep made from folding paper like a fan. Using the template pieces provided in the bigger kids Bible lesson, kids will assemble a little sheep by accordion-folding a strip of paper and affixing the head and tail pieces to either end of the folded paper.

More Shepherd, Sheep, and Angel Crafts

Reading about the Nativity

Reading about the Symbols of the Nativity Story might help older kids make connections and form a deeper understanding of the story. This lesson includes reading from the Bible, comprehension questions, and a final craft to tie it all together.

YouTube videos about the shepherds and angels


Want to continue the series? This lesson is part of a four-lesson set designed to be taught in the weeks before Christmas.

The shepherds were the first people to meet Jesus and worship him. This is a wonderful story to invite students into worshiping Jesus too. Whether in Sunday School, in a faith-based school, or at home, there are plenty of ways to engage students in the Nativity story.

Jesus is Born - The Christmas Bible Story Lessons for Kids

Teaching the Christmas Bible story, Jesus is Born, to kids is a heartwarming way to share the true meaning of Christmas. This beloved nativity story captures the miracle of Jesus’ birth and provides a wonderful opportunity for children to learn about God’s love in a fun, engaging way. There are plenty of creative teaching ideas, kid-friendly videos, interactive crafts, and simple activities to help children understand and remember the significance of the Nativity.

The Story

Luke 2 records the story of Jesus’ birth. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem near the end of Mary’s pregnancy because they had to register for the census. While there, the time came for Mary to have the baby. When Jesus was born, Mary laid him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them. 

‘Jesus is Born’ Bible Lesson

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about the birth of Jesus? Grab the scripted lessons and printable craft that is just perfect for kids!

(See the Preschool/Kindergarten Version HERE)

Background Information About the Birth of Jesus

We celebrate Christmas (AKA the birth of Jesus) on December 25, but this is probably not the actual day Jesus was born. The Roman Catholic Church started celebrating Christmas on December 25 in 336 CE to replace a pagan holiday, and we continue to celebrate Christmas on this day.

Many people know the story of Jesus being born in a stable, but the Bible doesn’t say this. It says Mary lay him in a manager because there was no guest room available. In Bethlehem, people did not use wooden stables, like those so often depicted in books and movies. They kept their animals in caves or the lower level of their homes. So it is more likely that Mary gave birth in a cave or the lower level of a house where animals were kept.

Printable Manger Crafts

Dive into this Christmas Bible story with our print-and-go lessons about Jesus’ birth.  These engaging lessons need almost no preparation and include a scripted lesson plan, a printable craft or activity, and a take-home worksheet to keep caregivers in the loop.

Manger Scene Craft for Preschoolers

A printable craft is pictured. Baby Jesus lays on a manger with hay glued behind him.

A Christmas Bible craft for preschoolers. 

For a simple cut-and-paste manger scene, check out ‘Jesus is Born' for preschoolers. Using the template pieces provided, kids will assemble a simple manger with Jesus lying on the hay.

Manger Scene Craft for Bigger Kids

A printable Bible craft is shown. Baby Jesus is pictured with a Bible verse in green text glued below, and handprint 'hay' seen behind.

A Christmas Bible craft for 6, 7, and 8-year-olds. 

For 1st, 2nd and 3rd-graders, this traced-hands manger scene is perfect. Kids will trace their hands and arrange the handprints to form the hay of the manger. Then Jesus will be laid atop the hay.

More Crafts for the Birth of Jesus

Reading about the Nativity

Reading about the symbols of the Nativity Story might help older kids make connections and form a deeper understanding of the story. This set of Bible-based reading passages, comprehension questions, and final craft looks at the Biblical story of Christmas and focuses on the main characters and symbols found within.


For easy printable activities, check out Christmas Morning Work for Kindergarten or these Bible-based Christmas worksheets for older kids.

YouTube videos about the story of Jesus’ Birth


Want to continue the series? This lesson is part of a four-lesson set designed to be taught in the weeks before Christmas.

The story of Jesus’ birth is the pinnacle of Christmas. Whether the teaching is happening in Sunday School, faith-based schools, or at home, these ideas will help learning the Nativity story more fun and memorable for kids.

Gabriel Visits Mary - The Christmas Bible Story Lesson for Kids

Teaching the Bible story of the angel Gabriel's Visit to Mary to kids is a wonderful way to introduce them to the joy and wonder of God's plan. This powerful Christmas Bible story of the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary offers rich opportunities for engaging lessons, creative crafts, and hands-on activities that bring the message to life. In this post, you’ll find simple yet effective teaching ideas, fun crafts, and easy-to-follow lesson plans that can be used in Sunday School, in faith-based schools, or at home. These ideas will engage children while helping them understand the significance of Mary's faith and obedience to God's plan.

The Christmas bible Story - Gabriel and Mary

Luke 1:26-38 tells the story of Gabriel’s visit to Mary. Mary was a virgin and had been promised to marry a man named Joseph. Gabriel, an angel from God, appeared to her and told Mary she would give birth to God’s Son. Gabriel told her that she was to name the baby Jesus. Mary marveled at the angel’s words and trusted God.

The EASY way to teach this Christmas Bible lesson.

Are you ready to lead a Bible lesson on Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel? Click to grab our scripted lesson plans, discussion questions, and printable crafts.

Grab the preschool/kindergarten version here.

background information about Mary and Gabriel

While it might not be appropriate to go into the details and definition of the word ‘virgin’ depending on your teaching context, there are some other interesting things about this story to teach the kids.

  • Women in Bible times were married young, so Mary was likely a teenager when Gabriel appeared to her. 

  • Gabriel is an angel. Angel means ‘messenger’. Gabriel appears three other times in the Bible - twice to Daniel (Daniel 8:15-26 and Daniel 9:21-27), and he appears to Zechariah in Luke 1:11-22. He might have appeared more, but the angels go unnamed in other Bible stories.

printable Christmas crafts

Dive into this Christmas Bible story with our print-and-go lessons about Mary’s visit from the angel Gabriel.  These engaging lessons need almost no preparation and include a scripted lesson plan, a printable craft or activity, and a take-home worksheet to keep caregivers in the loop.

Angel Craft for Preschool

Printable Christmas Angel Craft

A printable angel craft for preschoolers and kindergarten students. 

Create a simple angel by tracing hands and using the hand-prints as wings. For easy instructions and templates for the craft, check out ‘An Angel Visits Mary’ Bible lesson for preschool and kindergarten.

Angel Craft for Bigger Kids

A printable Christmas angel craft for bigger kids. 

Your kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade will love this printable angel craft. Use the template pieces provided in ‘An Angel Visits Mary’ (the bigger kids’ version) and have kids cut and assemble the angel.

more bible christmas crafts

The following crafts and activities would pair nicely with a Christmas Bible lesson that touches on this part of the nativity story.

YouTube Videos about the story of Mary

These YouTube videos are a great way to help your kids understand the story in a whole new way. As always, please watch the video(s) in their entirety before showing them to your class.

Need more Christmas lessons?

Want to continue the series? This lesson is part of a four-lesson set designed to be taught in the weeks before Christmas.

Thanksgiving Bible Lesson for Kids

Are you seeking an engaging Bible lesson for kids in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades this Thanksgiving? Teaching the story of Jesus Healing Ten Lepers is a powerful way to help kids understand the importance of gratitude. This miraculous healing not only shows Jesus' compassion but also highlights the significance of giving thanks, as only one of the ten healed lepers returned to express gratitude. Discover creative ways to teach this story through kid-friendly videos, engaging activities, fun crafts, and lesson plans. These resources will help children grasp the key lessons of thankfulness and the joy of expressing gratitude to God.

The Story of the healing of ten lepers

In Luke 17:11-19 we are told the story of when ten lepers approached Jesus as he was traveling on his way to Jerusalem. Along the road, ten lepers approached Jesus and said, “Jesus, have mercy on us.” Jesus told them to go and present themselves to the priest. As they were walking away, they were healed! Only one of the men returned to thank Jesus, throwing himself at Jesus’ feet with gratitude. 

Thanksgiving Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach about gratitude this Thanksgiving? Grab a scripted lesson, easy activity, and printable craft perfect for 3-8-year-olds.

(See the preschool/kindergarten version HERE!)

What is Gratitude and Why is it Important? 

Gratitude is feeling thankful and appreciative of the good things in your life. It is taking time to stop and think about things that you can be thankful for, such as physical items, people, and even life circumstances.

The most common way to express gratitude is by saying “thank you” and showing appreciation with your actions. However, showing gratitude for a gift isn’t just saying “thank you; it’s also treating the gift with care.

What the Bible Says About Gratitude

The Bible clearly outlines that gratitude is important. Here are just a few verses:

  • “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.” Psalm 95:1-2

  • “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17 NIV. 

    • God gives good gifts, and He is worthy of our thanks!

brainstorm things to be thankful for

For many kids, the question, “What are you thankful for?” can be quite overwhelming. I suggest breaking it down into categories to help your kids think through all of the blessings in their lives. I like to talk about…

  • People we are thankful for

  • Things in nature that we are thankful for

  • Things in our house that we are thankful for

  • Things in our community that we are thankful for

  • Something we are thankful that we can do

Try writing these down on a piece of paper or adding them to a thankful tree. This particular tree template is a part of this Thanksgiving Lesson for 1st-3rd Grade.

Printable Thankful Craft

After we have brainstormed everything we are thankful for, it’s time for a printable craft! In this craft, kids will cut out the pieces to make a flower. On each petal, they will write (or draw) one thing that they are thankful for. This printable craft is included in both the Preschool/Kindergarten thanksgiving lesson as well as the 1st-3rd grade version.

more activities to build thankfulness and gratitude

  • Sing Songs: There are some awesome songs about giving thanks to God. Here are a few examples:

  • Thank You Cards: Take a moment to write (or draw) a thank you card to God, telling Him all the things you are thankful for

  • Thankfulness Popcorn: Do a quick activity where kids crouch on the ground. Then, they take turns popping up like popcorn and saying something they are thankful for. The beauty of this activity is kids can take multiple turns or stay silent, but it will help them brainstorm ideas.

  • Thankful Journals: Take time to have kids write about or draw pictures of what they are thankful for.

YouTube videos About the Ten Lepers

When teaching the story of Jesus Healing the Ten Lepers, it’s always fun to have a video on hand. These are some of the best video versions available.

Whether it’s at home, in a faith-based school, or Sunday School, thankfulness is such a beautiful concept for kids to learn and the story of the Ten Lepers is a great reminder of the importance of showing gratitude to God.

Fruit of the Spirit Lessons and Crafts for Kids

The Fruit of the Spirit is a familiar concept to Christians and, as Christ-followers, these are qualities we should be shining into the world. It can sometimes feel daunting when it comes to teaching our children Biblical truths, but it doesn’t have to be. So here are some fun ideas and crafts for teaching children all about the Fruit of the Spirit.

What is the Fruit of the Spirit?

To start, the Fruit of the Spirit is not a checklist of things that we should be. The Fruit of the Spirit are qualities that God grows in our hearts as we deepen our relationship with Him. Choosing to stay close to God can help us to show the Fruit. Just like a friendship takes time to strengthen and deepen, we need to put the time in to strengthen and deepen our relationship with God. This can be done when we sing worship songs, pray, read the Bible, and attend church. 

Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (NIV). I learned the word “patience” instead of “forbearance”, and depending on which translation of the Bible you use, it will say “patience”. 

Printable crafts that teach about the fruit of the spirit are displayed on a table.

Everything You Need to Teach the Fruit of the Spirit

Are you ready to teach the Fruit of the Spirit? Grab 9 scripted lesson plans and engaging printable crafts with this set of lessons perfect for preschool to third grades. (See the 1st-3rd grade version here.)

How do you explain Fruit of the Spirit to kids? 

The Holy Spirit transforms us to be more like Jesus. The Fruit of the Spirit are things that Jesus exhibited while here on Earth. 

In our Fruit of the Spirit 9-lesson set, we use seeds and dirt as an object lesson to teach this concept. (A full script and materials list is available in the complete lesson plans).

As a group, plant some seeds in little pots of dirt. Remind students that plants need sun, water, soil, and air to grow. It takes time, and plants don’t magically appear moments after planting a seed. Similarly, the Fruit of the Spirit requires time to grow. When we spend time with God, the Fruit of the Spirit grows in us.

kid-friendly fruit of the spirit definitions

The 'Fruit of the Spirit' teaching posters break down the definitions of each characteristic into kid-friendly terms. They're included in BOTH the preschool/kindergarten and 1st-3rd grade lesson sets. 

Many of the Fruit of the Spirit are concepts kids will understand because they are words they have heard and used. Some words will require some extra explanation. For example, what is the difference between kindness and goodness? What is the difference between gentleness and self-control?

Love: Caring about someone, helping them, and keeping them safe.

Joy: Gladness knowing that God is in control of all the details. He is always with us!

Peace: Living together with other people in harmony.

Patience: Waiting calmly and keeping going when things are hard.

Kindness: Being thoughtful and putting the needs of others first, even when they are not being kind to you.

Goodness: Showing others kindness, generosity, and love for the right reason.

Faithfulness: Being trustworthy and standing up for what is right, even when it is hard.

Gentleness: Being calm and tender in what you say and do. It is making sure that what you say and do does not hurt others or yourself.

Self-Control: Listening and doing what God wants you to do, rather than doing what you want to do.

They’re also available in the 1st-3rd grade version.

videos about the fruit of the spirit

These age-appropriate YouTube videos are a great way to supplement your lessons on the Fruit of the Spirit. As always, I suggest watching them in their entirety before playing them for your class. Keep an eye out for tricky YouTube ads.

Nine weeks of hands-on fruit of the spirit lessons and crafts

Incorporating stories, visuals, crafts, and activities is a great way to engage students while they learn about the Fruit of the Spirit. This is true for both preschoolers and bigger kids.

Crafts from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version. 

Our complete Fruit of the Spirit units include Bible stories, printable crafts, coloring pages, and a take-home page so parents and caregivers can be welcomed into the teaching. This Fruit of the Spirit unit for Bigger Kids includes the same features but also includes the crafts and activities that are appropriate for older children, and journal writing pages.  

fruit of the spirit Crafts and Activities

There are a myriad of crafts and activities that can go along with teaching the Fruit of the Spirit. Here are just a few examples:

  • Find specific Bible stories to pair with each of the Fruit. For example, pair the story of the Good Samaritan with love. Pair the story of Paul and Silas in jail (Acts 16:16-36) with joy. From there, choose activities and crafts that match the specific Bible story.

  • This Simple Home has some fabulous Fruit of the Spirit object lesson ideas. One of the ideas is to make a real fruit salad, but have vegetables ready to dump in. Kids will be dismayed that vegetables might go in the fruit salad. Explain that these represent things that do not come from God - things like anger, gluttons, and greed.

  • The Sunday School Network has a cute idea for creating a fruit loop bracelet to help students learn the Fruit of the Spirit.

  • Draw or Paint a Fruit of the Spirit tree. Have kids create a tree using crayons, pencils, or paints. Then draw various fruits and label them with the Fruit of the Spirit.

  • Children’s Ministry Deals has created a list of hands-on games for each Fruit of the Spirit. For instance, they suggest playing a game of Apple Tower when learning about self-control. This is a game where players stack apples on top of each other to see who gets the tallest tower. Apple Tower takes control, just like it takes self-control to do the right thing. Be sure to check out their other ideas!

Galatians 6:9-10 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (NIV). So let’s teach our children how to shine Jesus to others through the Fruit of the Spirit.

The Best Bibles for Kids in Preschool and Kindergarten

I spend a lot of time reading Bibles designed for little kids. It’s partially because I have a 5-year-old at home, and partially because I write and design Bible lessons for preschoolers. I’ve read at least a dozen kids’ Bibles cover-to-cover, and they aren’t all created equally. I’m often asked if I can recommend a favorite Children’s Bible for preschoolers and kindergarten students, so I thought I’d put together a post of my current favorites.

Please note: None of the links in the post below are affiliate links. Most link to the publisher or official website for each book.

What do you look for in a children’s bible?

The first thing I look for in a children’s Bible, especially when reading to kids kindergarten-age and younger, is text that can easily be understood by younger kids. Is the theology broken down in a way kids will understand? Are the sentences simple enough that I’m not having to recap the story at the end of every paragraph?

It’s also important to me that the children’s Bible is written with age-appropriate takeaways from each story. While all of scripture is God-breathed, some of the stories and ideas are best suited for older children and adults. My 5-year-old is easily frightened and tends to fixate on the scarier parts of a Bible story, so we look for a kids’ Bible that doesn’t dive too deeply into the ‘scary’ moments of the Bible.

52 Weeks of Preschool Bible Lessons

Looking to make the Bible come alive for 3-6 year olds? These preschool Bible lessons and printable crafts are the perfect compliment to any children’s Bible.

Jesus Calling Bible Storybook by sarah young

The Jesus Calling Storybook is hands-down my favorite kids’ Bible. The storytelling is excellent, it’s easy to read, and it summarizes stories in a way that is perfect for preschoolers. It does such a great job at keeping the stories age-appropriate. I was particularly impressed with how the story of Abraham and Isaac was written. It highlighted God’s mercy and the foreshadowing of the Lamb of God without completely terrifying my 5-year-old.

Most stories also end with a section that is very similar to the adult versions of ‘Jesus Calling’. These short passages are written in first-person from God and help to explain the main takeaways. My daughter loves them!

The Beginner’s Bible from Zondervan Kids

This Beginner’s Bible is a classic. I believe I even had a version of it in my childhood home in the 90’s. It’s been around forever, and for good reason! This is the very first Bible I ever read to my daughter. It does a great job of retelling most of the Bible in very simple terms. It doesn’t do any interpretation of the stories, or connect them to the larger story of Jesus, but it’s a great starting point for preschoolers. I highly recommend this one for kids in the 2, 3, and 4-year-old range. It’s a great starter Bible and the perfect way to introduce these stories for the first time.

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones

The Jesus Storybook Bible is one of the most popular kids’ Bibles on the market, and with good reason. The book beautifully retells many classic Bible stories in a way that connects them to the overarching story of Jesus and redemption. It’s a beautiful book for both children and adults.

That being said, I don’t recommend it for kids under 6 or 7 years old. The stories are long, sometimes too long for a preschooler’s attention, and it draws connections and parallels that go above their heads. If you already have this version, I’d hang on to it until your kids are in grade school. (Spoiler: It’s my top choice for that age group!)

If you would like some more preschool-friendly materials by Sally Lloyd-Jones, she has a board book series of psalms written in kid-friendly language. The series is growing, but some of the titles include Near: Psalm 139, Found: Psalm 23, Strong: Psalm 1, and Happy: Psalm 92.

Sally Lloyd-Jones also has a board book called Loved: The Lord’s Prayer. But I should mention that this book refers to God as ‘Daddy’. And I know people have differing opinions on using that language when referring to God,

The Ology by Marty Machowski

Surprise! This final book is NOT a children’s Bible. Well, not really. I know that this is a list of the best Bibles for kids… so why am I including something else on this list?

As a parent and Sunday School teacher, The Ology is one of the best books I’ve ever read, and it’s deeply impacted how I explain the Bible to children. The book breaks down most Biblical theology into kid-friendly terms and does it in a way that’s so easy to understand.

If you’re a parent or teacher of preschoolers, I highly recommend reading this book as background knowledge. Preschoolers are full of so many questions about the Bible, and this is a great source to run to if you find yourself unable to explain trickier Biblical concepts. As your kids grow, this also becomes the perfect book to read aloud to your older kids.

I’d love to know if you have any children’s Bibles you absolutely LOVE that you think I should add to this list. Please add them in the comments, or message me directly.