The Last Supper Bible Lesson for Preschool and Big Kids
Teaching kids in preschool and beyond about The Last Supper can be both meaningful and fun! These crafts, activities, kid-friendly videos, and printable lesson plans will help children understand this important Bible story. Whether you’re a Sunday School teacher, homeschooling parent, or work in a faith-based school, you can bring the story of Jesus’ final meal with His disciples to life in a way kids can grasp and remember.
THE bible STORY of the last supper
The story of the Last Supper is told in all four gospels: Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-26, Luke 22:7-38, and John 13:1-30. (John’s telling focuses on Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.)
Jesus and his disciples went to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. He was referring to Judah Iscariot, but the disciples didn’t understand what he meant.
During the meal, Jesus broke bread, telling them that the bread represented his broken body. Jesus also drank wine, saying that the wine represented his blood. After sharing the meal, they sang a hymn.
Paul’s teaching on communion found in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 also goes well with the story of the Last Supper.
The Last Supper Bible Lessons for Kids
Are you looking for a simple way to teach about communion and the Last Supper? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for children aged 3 to 8.
The Passover is a special meal to remember how God saved the people from slavery in Egypt; this story can be found in Exodus. Jews still celebrate Passover today.
The Israelites celebrated Passover every year with specific foods and a strict schedule. For example, they ate unleavened bread (bread made without yeast) to remember that they left Egypt so quickly that there wasn’t time for the bread to rise.
When Jesus told the disciples that the bread represented his body and the wine represented his blood, he gave these elements a new purpose. Jesus was the new Perfect Lamb, and the bread and wine would remind God’s people of his sacrifice.
Although Jesus led the first communion with bread and wine, we can choose to remember Jesus at every meal.
Kids will love a simple craft where they create a communion placement that they can bring home to help them explain what they learned to their parents. This placemat can sit on the table and help kids remember Jesus whenever they gather to eat. For a placemat template, check out The Last Supper for Older Kids.
As kids color, talk to them about how every meal can be a time to remember Jesus and his sacrifice. It doesn’t just need to be during Communion time at church.
What does communion look like at your church? When do you have it? Who partakes? Which elements are served?
Communion can be observed in various ways in different churches. Use the provided graphic organizer to discuss what communion looks like in your church.
Use the graphic organizer in The Last Supper for Older Kids to help guide this conversation. It’s also a great chance to compare and contrast how other local churches might observe communion.
Younger kids will enjoy a simple cut-and-glue craft. Gather family-friendly magazines and cut out pictures of food. Use the template provided in The Last Supper for Preschool. Then, let the kids fill out their table templates with images of their favorite foods!
Cooking magazines are great resources to get the images for this craft!
Share a Meal - Share a meal while sitting around a table. You could prepare items similar to those served at Passover, like unleavened bread and charoset, or keep it simple and bring in snacks like fishy crackers, fruit, and chips. Regardless of what is served, kids will remember the experience of sharing a meal.
Playdough Meal - If sharing an authentic meal isn’t an option in your context, give kids playdough and have them make pretend food to share.
Foot Washing: Use small basins, water, and towels, and have kids wash each other’s feet (or their own feet if the idea of washing someone else’s feet makes them feel awkward). Jesus washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper. Why not recreate this moment of humility with your students?
Bake Bread—If you are able, bake unleavened bread with your students. Find a simple recipe and follow the steps with your kids. Here are a few suggestions: Unleavened Bread by All Recipes or Unleavened Bread by Oh Sweet Basil.
“Thank You, Jesus” Letter—Communion is a beautiful time to remember what Jesus did for us and to thank him for his sacrifice. Have kids write a letter thanking Jesus and sharing anything else they want to pray about.
Watching YouTube clips can be a great way to help our visual learners glean more from the lesson. But be sure to pre-watch any videos you plan on showing to ensure they are age-appropriate and match the content you want to teach. Here are some suggestions:
The Story of the Last Supper by Minno—Bible Stories for Kids: This video details Passover and how Jesus and his disciples came to Jerusalem to celebrate it.
What is Communion? by Kids on the Move: This video explains what communion bread and wine represent and how communion is an integral part of remembering Jesus.
Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a set of four lessons that explore the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday), and Jesus is Risen (Easter Sunday).
The Last Supper is a beautiful story of Jesus' humility and new covenant with his people. Whether in Sunday school, at home, or in a faith-based school, there are many ways to make this story memorable for kids as you seek to teach them about Jesus' love.