Teaching kids about the story of Easter in the Bible is a wonderful way to help them understand the true meaning of the holiday. Whether you're a parent, Sunday school teacher, or teach at a faith-based school, finding creative and engaging ways to share the story of Jesus’ last days, arrest, and resurrection can make a lasting impact. From hands-on crafts and activities to kid-friendly videos, there are many ways to bring the Easter message to life for children.
What is easter about in the bible?
While bunnies, egg hunts, and baby chicks get most of the commercial time around Easter, the real reason for Easter is Jesus. Easter is a time to remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Jesus died but rose again after three days! We remember the day Jesus died on Good Friday and celebrate his resurrection on Easter Monday.
Four print-and-go lessons that make it easy to teach the Easter story
Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach Easter stories to children in preschool through third grade.
Palm Sunday - Jesus rides into jerusalem
Palm Sunday is celebrated/observed on the Sunday before Jesus died.
On this day, Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey. The story reminds us that Jesus is King, and deserves to be celebrated as such.
There are many ways to bring this story to life, including recreating the story by having kids wave branches and praise Jesus and laying out a real path of palm branches or local foliage.
For more ideas, including simple printable crafts, check out Palm Sunday Bible Lessons for Kids.
The Last Supper
Jesus and his disciples gathered to celebrate the Passover meal, the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest.
It was at this meal that Jesus started the tradition of communion, a time to pause and remember His sacrifice. Many churches observe communion in different ways, and learning about The Last Supper is a great chance to lead a discussion on how you celebrate communion.
While learning about The Last Supper, try sharing a meal with your kids, baking unleavened bread like what is eaten at Passover, and writing thank-you letters to Jesus. For more details on these ideas, as well as ideas for simple crafts and lesson plans, check out The Last Supper Bible Lessons for Kids blog.
Good Friday - jesus is arrested
After sharing the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus prayed to the Garden of Gethsemane. While there, he was arrested and later crucified.
This event is usually remembered on Good Friday.
This story teaches about Jesus’ great sacrifice and incredible love for humanity. For craft and activity ideas, printable lesson plans, and kid-friendly videos, check out Jesus’ Arrest Bible Lessons for Kids.
easter sunday - Jesus is Risen!
Three days after he was crucified, Jesus rose from the dead! He appeared to many of his disciples, and they rejoiced. We also rejoice and remember that death did not have the final word.
We celebrate this event on Easter Sunday.
Take time to celebrate with your kids: worship and dance, make Resurrection Buns, and do crafts to retell the story. Check out the Jesus is Risen Bible Lessons for Kids blog for more ideas, including a simple printable empty tomb craft.
Despite the emphasis many put on Easter bunnies and egg hunts, let us not forget that Jesus should be the central focus of Easter. Teach your kids this story; they will remember it forever. So many great activities can make the Easter story engaging for preschool and elementary-aged kids.