Good Friday Bible Lesson for Kids - Jesus is Arrested

Teaching kids about the true meaning of Good Friday, when Jesus was arrested, can be engaging and meaningful with the right activities. Whether you're a Sunday school teacher, homeschool parent, or work in a faith-based school, using crafts, games, kid-friendly videos, and printable lesson plans can help bring this Easter-season story to life. In this blog, we’ll explore creative and age-appropriate ways to help children understand Jesus' arrest, its significance, and how it fits into the larger story of His love and sacrifice. Keep reading for fun and faith-filled teaching ideas!

where is the story of Jesus’ arrest found in the Bible?

The story of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion is told in all four gospels: Matthew 26:36- 27, Mark 14:32- 15, Luke 22:39- 23, and Mark 18-19.

Jesus went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas Iscariot led the religious leaders to Jesus, and they arrested him. Jesus was brought before the Sanhedrin and then Pontius Pilate.

Jesus suffered greatly. He was beaten, mocked, and given a crown of thorns. He was made to carry his cross. They nailed him to the cross between two criminals, with a sign over his head saying “King of the Jews.”

When Jesus died, the veil in the temple tore in two, and the earth shook. 

One of Jesus’ followers, named Joseph of Arimathea, took Jesus’ body and laid it in the tomb. The tomb was sealed with a large stone, and Roman soldiers were stationed out front.

But this was not the end of the story…

Jesus is Arrested and Crucified Bible Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for a simple, meaningful way to teach the Easter story? Our printable crafts, discussion questions, and scripted lessons are perfect for kids aged 3 to 8.

(Click HERE for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade version)


The crucifixion was a terrible way to die, and there are many graphic details you could go into while describing Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion. However, remember that this story's central message is that Jesus died for us because He loves us and Jesus is the Son of God. I try not to focus on the gruesome details that might instill fear and take away from the story. Children will learn more about the arrest and crucifixion when it is appropriate. 

Emphasize to kids that this is not the end of the story. A great miracle is yet to come, and Jesus will not stay dead! This is important, especially if kids have until the following week to hear the rest of the story. We want kids to remember that Jesus died because He loves them. But He did NOT stay dead! 


The imagery of the three crosses is a big part of this story and a beautiful reminder of what Jesus did for us. In this hands-on craft, kids will create the three crosses scene. This can be done in a couple of ways.

Craft Option 1: Play Dough and Paper Plates

In this hands-on three-crosses craft, you will make the scene using popsicle sticks, play dough, and paper plates. First, create the crosses ahead of time by hot-gluing popsicle sticks together in the shape of a cross. Then, use playdough or clay to make the hill and stick the crosses into the hill. With any remaining time, you can color the crosses or the paper plate.

Craft Option 2: Printable Scene

Create the scene of the three crosses using printable pieces. The background scene (in color or line art) is available in the lesson plan ‘Jesus is Arrested’ for Preschoolers


A child paints a sunset using watercolor paints.

Painting a sunset background using watercolor paints.

Show older kids pictures of sunsets and help them notice that sunsets aren’t a single color. Discuss what they see. Where are the darkest colors in the sunset? Where are the lightest colors in the sunset? Print off a picture or two of a sunset to keep available as kids complete the art project.

  • Then, give the kids time to create a sunset using watercolor paints. This is best done on a piece of thicker paper, like cardstock.

While the paint is drying, create three crosses out of black cardstock paper. I cut the paper into thin strips and gave the kids glue to create the cross shape. Then, glue the crosses onto the watercolor sunset.


A printable easter basket and eggs is pictured. The basket reads "The Easter Story" and each egg depicts a part of the Easter story from the Bible.

The Easter Story printable basket craft.

Easter eggs are another popular symbol of Easter. So why not have kids create Easter eggs to help them retell the story of Jesus’ Arrest? Using the template pieces provided in Jesus is Arrested and Crucified for Older Kids, have kids assemble a basket and eggs with pictures of the story on them. Kids can pull the eggs out of the basket and explain each part of the story!


A coloring page is pictured next to markers and small tubs of play dough. The worksheet reads "Jesus is Alive".

‘Color and Worship’ coloring pages.

Sometimes, it's easier for kids to worship and sing if their hands have something simple to do. Give kids coloring or a small sensory toy like play dough or rice. You can also set out a simple coloring worksheet. Play worship music that connects to the theme as they play or color. Some song suggestions are:


  • Nail in the Cross Station: This activity, often done with teenagers or adults, helps kids visualize that Jesus took our sins to the cross. Have kids draw or write down a sin. It could be something they have done or something more generic from a class discussion. Then, have kids either nail this piece of paper to a wooden cross or lay it in a basket at the foot of a cross. Then, lead the kids in a prayer, thanking Jesus for dying for us. 

  • Garden Prayer: Before his arrest, Jesus went to the garden to pray. Walk through a garden with your kids and pray, thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. If you can't go outside, create a pretend garden inside with plants, pictures, or images on a TV. 

  • The Story of Easter Symbol Hunt: This story involves many symbols, including a crown of thorns, a purple robe, a cross, a tomb, dice, coins, and nails. Print out pictures of these items and hide them around the room. Then, give kids different Bible references; they will find the image that matches the reference. For example, you could give kids the verse Mark 15:17, and they would have to find the purple robe and the crown of thorns to match the verse. 

YOUTUBE VIDEOS for good Friday

As mentioned earlier, this story can be upsetting for some kids, especially when an emphasis is placed on Jesus' suffering. When choosing videos to watch, be mindful of your kids and pre-watch them to ensure they are age-appropriate. Most video suggestions below also show the resurrection:


Continue your learning with more Easter Bible lessons. This lesson is part of a set of four lessons that explore the Easter story in the Bible. The other lessons in the series are The Last Supper, Jesus is Arrested (Good Friday), and Jesus is Risen (Easter Sunday).

The story of Good Friday, Jesus’ Arrest and Crucifixion, is a perfect reminder of Jesus' love and sacrifice. Whether through crafts, activities, worship, or discussion, there are many ways to help this story make a lasting impact on kids.