Are you looking for engaging ways to teach children about the miracles of Jesus? Plenty of hands-on activities and creative crafts are perfect for bringing these powerful stories to life! Whether you're a parent, teacher, or Sunday school leader, these ideas will help children explore Jesus’ miraculous works in a fun and interactive way that deepens their understanding and connection. Read on for inspiring ideas that make learning about Jesus’ miracles both educational and exciting!
What is a Miracle?
Simply put, a miracle is something only God can do. Jesus did many miracles while on Earth. Learning these stories can inspire children in their faith as they learn about God’s power, compassion, and love.
Four print-and-go lessons that make it easy to teach the Miracles of Jesus stories.
Don’t miss these scripted lessons, printable crafts, and take-home coloring pages, which make it easy to teach the Miracles of Jesus stories to children in preschool through third-grade.
The Miraculous Catch of Fish
Jesus approaches a group of fishermen after they had a discouraging night of fishing, and tells them to cast their net on the other side of the boat. Obediently, they follow his instructions and are rewarded with fish. These form men became Jesus’ first disciples. Check out this blog for easy crafts and activities to teach this story, including a challenge for students to make a net that can hold a heavy object.
Jesus Calms the Storm
Jesus Calms the Storm is a fantastic story that shows Jesus’ power over nature. Everything on earth, including the wind and the waves, obey the Lord.
Many activities engage kids as they learn this stormy story. Check out Jesus Calms the Storm for videos about the story and ideas like sensory bins, a paper boat challenge, and parachute games.
Jesus Walks on Water
Jesus Walks on Water is another story that shows His power over nature. There are some fabulous activities to help kids engage with the story, including making Oobleck, creating a printable craft, and doing experiments to see which objects will sink or float. For details on these ideas, and other teaching ideas, check out “Jesus Walks on Water”.
Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man
Have you heard the story of a man whose friends lowered him through a roof to get to Jesus? This is part of yet another incredible miracle of Jesus where He heals a paralyzed man. After learning about this story, challenge students to make a small stretcher that can carry a Lego person. For context information about the structure of Israeli homes, as well as more ideas for videos, crafts, and activities, check out “Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man”.
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
Jesus demonstrates His great compassion while healing a man born blind. After learning about this story, have kids create comic strips to retell the events in the story. Or have kids do activities where they are blindfolded to help them empathize with the man in the story. For more details on these activities and other fun ideas, check out “Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind”.
Jesus Feeds the 5,000
Using five loaves and two fish, Jesus feeds a crowd of over 5,000 people. To give kids an idea of how miraculous this was, bring a loaf of bread to share with the class. They will quickly see that one loaf is not sufficient. For more activities and craft ideas, like the woven basked pictured, check out “Jesus Feeds the 5000 Bible Lessons for Kids”.
Looking for more bible lessons for kids?
These lessons on the miracles of Jesus are part of a 52-week Bible curriculum for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and bigger kids in first, second, and third grades. Each lesson includes detailed teaching instructions, a printable craft, and a take-home worksheet to let caregivers know what you’ve been learning about. Grab the whole program at a deep discount.