Back to School shopping is a necessary part of the school year. Like report cards, full-moon-Fridays, and wiggly students... it just cannot be avoided! I have love/hate relationship with back to school shopping. I love the shiny new things: the fresh notebooks, the reams of unused paper, the unused smelly markers... But somehow I always come home with way more than I intended.
Please tell me I'm not alone here?! Does anyone else frantically try to hide back-to-school items around there house in a way that makes it less obvious? I feel like a small-scale hoarder of all things classroom related. I have bulletin board borders under my couch, book bins in my closet, and new novel sets in my car. (Shhh, don't tell my wonderful hubby!)
I got together with some of my favourite teacher-authors to brainstorm our favorite back-to-school purchases:
Smelly Markers (every anchor chart should smell like mint and lemon)
Chart paper with invisible lines (to make those anchor charts!)
A new teacher tote bag (you have to treat yourself)
Good quality pencils (the cheap ones just won't cut it!)
Even after a summer of planning and creating, there is always more curriculum to organize as well. And that can get expensive. Making sure that school works for a classroom filled with different kinds of learners does not come in a one-size-fits-all curriculum.
Thank goodness for Teachers Pay Teachers and it's endless supply of affordable curriculum. I love that I can stock up on so many different and differentiated materials and still have room left to head to Target!
What's on your back to school list this year? Anything that is a 'must buy' heading into the new year? Let me know in the comments below!