Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man - Bible Lessons for Kids

In the Bible story Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man, we see Jesus’ amazing love and power as He helps a man who couldn’t walk. This story teaches kids about faith, kindness, and the incredible ways Jesus changes lives. In this blog, you’ll find kid-friendly videos, fun crafts, engaging activities, and easy-to-follow lesson plans. Perfect for Sunday School, faith-based schools, or homeschooling, these resources make learning about Jesus’ miracles exciting and memorable for children of all ages!

The text reads: Jesus Heals a paralyzed man, a bible lesson for kids in preschool through 3rd grade. A printable craft showing a house and man on a stretcher is pictured.

The Bible Story - Jesus heals a paralyzed man

Mark 2:1–12, and Luke 5:17–26 record the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man who was lowered down from a roof. In this story, Jesus was teaching in a house in Capernaum. Four men arrived to bring their paralyzed friend to Jesus, but the house was so full that they couldn’t get in. The four friends carried their friend up to the roof and dug a hole in the roof. They lowered the paralyzed man down to Jesus.

Jesus had compassion for the man and said, “Your sins are forgiven.” This made the religious leaders furious. Then Jesus healed the man, telling him to pick up his mat and walk. The man was healed!

biblical background information

In Israel, homes often had a flat roof made of wooden beams, clay, and straw mats. People would spend time on their rooves hosting guests, sleeping there in the summer, and using the roof as a place to dry food in the sun. So, in this story, the roof was likely easy to access and stand on.

Jesus does two incredible things in this story: forgiving the man’s sins (something only God can do) and healing the man. He healed the man to prove that He was God and had the authority to forgive sins. 

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man Lessons for Kids

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the Bible story ‘Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man’? Grab a scripted lesson, discussion questions, an activity, and an easy craft that is perfect for 3-8-year-olds.

(Shop the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade version HERE!)

Make a Stretcher stem Challenge

A STEM challenge is a great way to get kids thinking. This ‘challenge’ can involve elements of science, technology, engineering, and math. These challenges often give kids a set of materials and encourage them to make something or solve a problem in a limited amount of time. Read more about STEM challenges here.

Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man Stem Challenge

Challenge kids to use common classroom materials to make a small stretcher that can hold a figurine or Lego person. Some materials might include popsicle sticks, strips of cloth, string, straws, etc. After kids have created their stretchers, have them place their Lego person on the stretcher and walk around the room to “find Jesus.”

a printable craft - a paralyzed man is healed

In this printable craft, students will cut out the house and the paralyzed man. Then, like the man’s friends, they’ll create a hole in the roof of the house. After attaching string to the man, they’ll lower him into the house.

The pieces for this printable craft are included in both age levels of this lesson: Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man for Preschool or Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man for Bigger Kids.

More Crafts and Activities to go with the story

  • Relay Races: Depending on the age of your group, design various relay races. Kids must either carry a stuffed animal through the relay race or carry another kid. Please keep in mind child safety while doing this so no one gets hurt. 

  • Lift a Friend: Bring several strong blankets to class. Then place a heavy object or a child on the blanket and have kids lift the child so they can feel that carrying a friend was a challenging thing for the four friends in the story.

  • Friendship Bracelets: The man in this story had incredible friends. Encourage kids to think of someone who is a good friend and make friendship bracelets for that friend (or friends, if you have enough time). For some simple friendship bracelet ideas, check out Projects for Kids.

  • Envelope House Craft: Check out this simple envelope craft from Let Their Lights Shine. Kids will use an envelope and make it into a house. Opening the flap of the envelope is like opening the roof of the house and a little paper man is slid into the house.

YouTube Videos About Jesus Healing a Paralyzed Man

Here are a few videos about this Bible story that pair nicely with any lesson.

Want More Miracle of Jesus Lessons?

Continue the learning with more Miracles of Jesus. This lesson is part of a set of six lessons on the Miracles of Jesus. 

These lessons about the miracles of Jesus are also included in the complete 52-week Bible curriculum. There’s one for little kids in preschool/kindergarten and another for bigger kids in first, second, and third grades.

By exploring this miracle, children can learn about the incredible love and power of Jesus. They will also learn about the kindness of the man’s friends because they brought him to Jesus. Whether used in Sunday School, in faith-based schools, or at home, these fun resources will help kids connect with Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man and recognize the love that Jesus has for ALL people.